Back To Basics: The Yeomen of Bravo Fleet


Character Creation / Development

The Operations Office will challenge members to create/develop characters for their primary commands. 

On BMFS, create or develop a biography for your fiction’s Yeoman character. Bios will be judged on how much detail is included under each heading (e.g., biography, appearance, personality, history, service record.) Including an image(s) will further assist with points.

For existing characters, these can be submitted but must include an update on them and what happened to them during the recent Century Storm campaign and the Sundred Wing FA (plus anything that has happened before, between and after these events). 

You must submit the link of your Yeoman character on BFMS as part of the entry.

The Power Behind The Throne – Yeoman

A yeoman is an administrative aid to a senior officer, or generally, a gopher and support staff member who helps with minor tasks (such as retrieving objects, sending messages, updating records, etc.). This position can be held by an enlisted member of Starfleet (i.e. a proper yeoman) or by a junior officer, such as an ensign or junior lieutenant wanting to learn more about command. Their usage is up to the officer they serve under and ranges from all the way from handling clerical tasks to being a confidante and sounding board. The smallest units might not have any yeomen at all, but the largest might have dozens. Yeomen can also be found in other departments, handling similar tasks. Yeomen wear operations gold rather than command red to signify their support role.


  • Biography: 5 points
  • Short Description: 5 points
  • Appearance: 10 points
  • History: 20 points
  • Service Record: 5 points
  • Image(s): 5 points
  • Total: 50 points



User ID Content Date Entry
Cynndle Oin'sun 2457

Entry for Belania - the Con Officer/Yeomen on the Daradax -

2022-09-26 13:09:32
Evelyn Sommers 2446

Yeoman Kelly Adaa

ID: 2446

2022-09-25 20:46:18
Andreus Kohl 2374

2022-09-23 21:41:42
Sazra Kobahl 2545

2022-08-31 22:39:48

Managed By the

Office of the Chief of Staff

This service is managed by the Office of the Chief of Staff. If you have questions about this service, please contact an office staff member.