[Phase 2]: Slither


The Romulan Aehallh worm is well known throughout the galaxy for its ferocity and hunger. Play the game Slither (http://slither.io/) and grow your Aehallh worm as large as you can!


  • Once defeated, take a screenshot of your highest score achieved. Ties will be broken by whoever submits first.



User Content Date Entry
Struan MacLeod (#2197)

User: bri.whyte
TF: 93
Score: 2029

2022-06-26 12:34:51
Vausees Vax (#2184)

Submitted by VividShado

2022-06-26 05:01:30
Thelor ch'Idrani (#2109)


2022-06-25 03:28:30
Erill'Yun Mek (#2187)

Final score: 732

2022-06-22 14:15:00
Cynndle Oin'sun (#2457)

Reached a length of 1080

2022-06-21 12:38:05
Alexandria Mitchell (#2266)

length: 27

2022-06-21 02:46:29
Brodie Lewis (#2208)

Score of 1028

2022-06-20 20:07:11
Alexandra Sudari-Kravchik (#2121)


2022-06-18 16:10:48
Andreus Kohl (#2374)


2022-06-17 00:06:28
R’Tor (#2309)

19828 Was my final score.

Reached 1st place at 16150
Slither is my Jam.
Cheers Mate.

2022-06-15 03:13:44
Th'lora Vehl (#2240)

Length: 729

2022-06-13 17:47:10
Heriah Rex (#2464)

Final Score: 74567

2022-06-13 13:29:17
Max Barrick (#2036)


2022-06-13 02:07:26
Azras Dex (#10)

790 length

2022-06-13 01:36:18
Aryanna Rigras (#2486)

Slither comp entered 12 June 2022

2022-06-13 00:43:54

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