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TF17: Stormbreaker – Garbled Data


Several colonies near the Paulson Nebula are in need of assistance and it’s Starfleet’s duty to come to their aid. Unfortunately communications in the area are badly garbled and we need to sort out the information regarding a handful of colonies to make sure the correct resources are made available.

Sort through the garbled data below to figure out the distance from the nebula, population and primary species for each colony world so that resources and ships can be allocated appropriately.

1. Of the colony with 200k population and Ju’van, one is 5ly and the other is 4ly from the Paulson Nebula.
2. Of Ju’van and the colony with 500k population, one is Romulan and the other is 3ly from the nebula.
3. Of Lindal and the Human colony, one is 2ly from the nebula and the other has 200k population.
4. Boltu is not 5ly from the nebula.
5. The Tellarite colony is 2ly closer then Rastok II.
6. Gran is the colony with a population of 500k.
7. Boltu, the Bolian colony and the colony with 500k population are three different colonies.
8. The 300k population colony is closer to the nebula then Gran.
9. The 400k population colony, the colony 1ly from the nebula and Ju’van are three different colonies.

TF17 Stormbreaker logic puzzle grid


  • Submissions must include colony, population, primary species and distance from the Paulson Nebula. There are no duplicates.
  • Judging is done by correct entries and order of submission.
  • Entry may be done by text or by drawing on the supplied table.


User ID Date Entry
Liam Dahlgren 669 2022-02-09 21:48:41
R’Tor 2309 2022-02-07 03:13:24
Alexander Beckett 1036 2022-02-06 12:20:09
Struan MacLeod 2197 2022-02-06 00:14:43

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