[Phase 2]: Horizon


Starfleet ships are dispatched to hunt down information on the Tkon – and with the Omega Directive activated, all manner of new avenues are open to them. Worlds to which access was once restricted by the Prime Directive must now be visited. Systems in foreign territory must be reached, either by subtle infiltration or desperate negotiation. Information on the Tkon in non-Federation hands must be acquired, and for once Starfleet may beg, borrow, or steal for it to be done. Whether a starship conducts a detailed study of a lost Tkon facility, a swift scan of Tkon technology, or acquires an incomplete databank from foreign hands, every tiny detail might be necessary to save the galaxy.

Write about your ship’s acquisition of information on the Tkon. This can be reaching their goal itself, or how they learn of their particular ‘Holy Grail’. It might be the moment they uncover Tkon ruins to be explored, the uncovering of archives which show them the way, or the terse negotiation with a cut-throat enemy for an ancient Tkon databank once destined for a wealthy private collector. While Starfleet will hardly endorse any action, and captains will be expected to account for violations of principles and regulations, the activation of the Omega Directive requires desperate measures.

This is an opportunity for a ‘treasure hunt’ story; the emphasis of this Phase and this Fiction should be about acquiring the knowledge, rather than the details of the knowledge itself.

Your story might address one or several of the following questions:
– The Omega Directive may permit the violation of the Prime Directive, but will the captain feel they should try to avoid, or at least minimise, interference with another culture?
– Some Tkon worlds may have been long-known to be in foreign borders, considered beyond Federation reach. What will Starfleet now give to secure access?
– All manner of enemies of the Federation may control a Tkon world or possess Tkon technology or databanks. Will Starfleet negotiate with enemies, or can they justify taking what they need by force?


  • Your story should be between 1,000 and 2,000 words in length (Google Docs, not BFMS, will be used to determine word count)
  • Submitted stories should have a single author.
  • The entry should be written in the Phase 2: Horizon Fleet-Wide Mission, and linked to in the submission. While we allow and encourage you to choose a Story from your ongoing Fleet Action fiction, only the single submitted Story will be graded and judged.
  • Stories will be graded on 1: Originality within the bounds of the brief; 2: How compelling characters’ reactions are to the crisis and its tensions; 3: How engaging the prose is, including compelling, clear, and evocative writing and accurate grammar and spelling, 4: Adherence to Star Trek and Fleet canon.



User ID Content Date Entry
Struan MacLeod 2197

User: bri.whyte
TF: 93
Story Link: https://bravofleet.com/story/38868/

2021-08-27 22:24:59
Orila Karai 2263


Word Count: 1999

2021-08-27 12:13:46
Erill'Yun Mek 2187


Google Drive word count: 2049

2021-08-27 10:57:16
Alexandra Sudari-Kravchik 2121


I know, I know, over the 2k limit, but all of my posts have been. This is the closest, thought I'd still submit something at least.

2021-08-27 10:51:27
Luke Duncan 1759


2021-08-25 01:16:34
Azras Dex 10


2021-08-21 03:43:34
Henry Maxwell 2223

The deck rocked violently under their magnetic boots as the station’s orbit was starting to deteriorate. Commander Vakai’s team, consisting of Gomez, Sivol, Gomo, Maya and Koyda, with Ryker piloting the Runabout, had been on this unknown, yet long abandoned space station that was orbiting this planet in the very sector that they just had eradicated a lot of strange molecules with the Don S. Davis’ help. Now they were alone, just the six of them on the station, while the Centaur was only a warp away from helping but even with the Don fixing the Centaur’s nacelle that was damaged, the Centaur was still struggling to establish a stable warp field. Now, Ryker was doing everything he could to keep the station’s orbit from deteriorating any faster with the runabout’s tractor beam latched onto it.

“Guys, I don’t know if the runabout can keep this up! What’s the word on restoring main power?” Ryker asked over the EV suit comms.

Gomez growled, “I’m trying damnit! These bulky gloves are in the way and I can barely understand a fraction of this language!!” She was trying to connect their external power pack into a console that seemed like one of the most important consoles in the reactor room.

“Take a deep breath, Gomez. More stressed out you are, the more mistakes you make.” Vakai told her. “Sivol, how are we doing on the translation?”

Sivol shook her head in her helmet. “The tricorder can’t make much sense of it. I’m trying everything that we have.”

“Then just find something close to it and use that.” Vakai told her.

She looked up in her helmet at him. “I don’t want to make a mistake, Commander.”

“Just do your best, that’s all I am asking for, all we can hope for.” Vakai then looked around. “Maya, Koyda, Gomo. How is the rest of the exploration of the station going?”

“We haven’t been able to find anything that resembles back up generators or auxiliary power or even batteries.” Gomo’s voice came over the comms.

“They should be somewhere in the lower center of the station.” Said Gomez with a strained voice as she struggled to move wires and conduits around. “Because I don’t know if anything I am doing is going to work or not.” Suddenly, after she inserted the connectors of the pack into the tenth different slot that she had freed up, she heard the console coming to life. “Oh sweet jesus.” She hurried herself to her feet as quickly as she could in the bulky suit and started looking over at the buttons, the language. “Sivol!” Her voice wavered as sweat trickled down her face. Sivol came over to Gomez and started speaking to her while pointing at several displays and categories that several buttons were in.

“Commander. Koyda here. I believe me and Maya have found what appears to be batteries of some sort.”

Vakai sighed lightly and smiled lightly. “Very good, very good indeed. See if you can find a way to get them working. Because if we can’t stabilize this station, thousands upon thousands of people on the planet below us are going to die.” Suddenly they heard Gomez screaming, Vakai looking to see that she was screaming in frustration followed by a ‘damn it!’. “Gomez?”

She turned in her suit to look at Vakai. “The reactor is too bloody cold. It would take hours to jump start it.”

“I don’t have hours, guys!” Ryker’s voice came over the comms.

“Well we got batteries.” Vakai said.

“We had batteries.” Maya’s voice came over the comms. “They’re dry. All of them.”

“Well, we had batteries.” Vakai sighed. “There has to be a trick, Gomez. Something. Anything.”

“If these reactors had injector ports of some kind, then yeah, I could probably get it going in five minutes. But it's a station reactor!! Attempting something like that could cause it to blow up in our faces.” Explained Gomez.

“Then what can we do, Gomez?!” Vakai pushed her, trying to see if she could come up with something, a miracle, or an insane idea.

Then a light bulb went off in her head. “We can do what the Enterprise did.”

“Which Enterprise?” Vakai asked.

“No time. Ryker, how much matter and anti-matter storage do you have on the runabout? No forget that, I already know. I am going to tell you just how much that needs to be transported directly into the reactor. Too much and we’ll probably blow up the entire system, or rip a hole in subspace...I don’t know, but definitely nothing good.” Everyone started to think she was making these things up now while she explained to Ryker exactly how much. “Then I need a photon grenade transported in with the mix and to detonate precisely as it enters the chamber. Station has no warp engines to activate, like the first Enterprise did to do a cold start on their warp reactor, but this...this might just do it.”

“And if it doesn’t?” Vakai asked.

“Then we won’t feel a thing and the Centaur will have the biggest light show ever seen in the history of light shows. I think. Look, I am really winging it here, so could you please stop asking before I start doubting myself and back out on this!!”

“Ready!” Said Ryker. “I’m starting to lose the tractor beam!!”

Vakai growled, “Aww hell, you only live once, right? Do it!”

It was all like a split second, not enough time to even see the transporter beam or the reaction, but somehow...it worked. The reactor was coming online, systems were powering up, and the station’s computer detected that its orbit was deteriorating, and began to correct itself, bringing itself right back into stable orbit. They could all hear Ryker laughing and applauding that it worked.

Vakai let out a huge sigh of relief. “Gomez. I don’t know what we’d do without you.”

“Yeah well, don’t be thanking me too much now. I honestly thought that that was not going to work. Like, a million to one chances, maybe? I am super surprised it worked.” And that’s where the laughing from Ryker stopped, and the good ‘vibe’ went away. Gomez looked at them all, especially as Gomo, Maya and Koyda finally returned to the Main Reactor room with the rest of them. “What? You told me to do something!! So I came up with the most insane idea ever, I didn’t say it was going to work…” Then she noticed that Sivol was glued to a different console. “Sivol, lady...yo...what are you staring at?”

Everyone got closer to her and they could see lines upon lines of text, paragraphs, reflecting off of her helmet shield, scrolling. Vakai frowned as he placed his hand on her shoulder. “Sivol?”

She stood up, turned and looked at Vakai dead in the eyes. “We need to get this information back to Starfleet Command. Now!”

“What is it, Sivol?” Gomo asked.

But her stare into Vakai’s eyes never left, as her seriousness grew. “This data...this...information...it all speaks about a race, a race that had a vast empire long, long ago. A race that the Enterprise, Captain Picard’s ship, encountered many years ago. Commander. This is a Tkon space station, and this data could explain everything! I’m not talking about what was happening in this system, but what happened to them! The Tkon Empire, the biggest mystery ever, and we may have stepped into a potential gold mine!” She then turned back to the console and entered some commands. “The computer core appears to be intact, some data has been corrupted and lost, but most of it is still intact!” She stood back up and returned her gaze to Vakai. “Commander...Vakai...please. We need to inform Centaur. We need to inform the Captain. He needs to inform Starfleet!!”

Vakai checked his oxygen gauge display on his left arm before looking at everyone else. “How are your oxygen levels, everyone?”

But Sivol spoke for them. “We already replenished our oxygen supply an hour ago, on the runabout, before Ryker went to use its tractor beam to try to slow the station’s orbit decay. We have enough, Commander.”

Vakai looked into her eyes, he had never once seen her be so serious before, not as serious as she was now. He then looked at everyone else, who all nodded their heads, telling him that they were going to be fine. Vakai then looked up inside his helmet, “Ryker. You better get back to the Centaur and inform the Captain of what we found here. He will understand, and without a doubt, he will inform Starfleet Command. We may have found a Tkon Station.”

Sivol grabbed his arms. “No. Not may. We did!”

(This is based on whether the Centaur remains solo, or if McGig wishes to add Vondem Rose to the Centaur, if not to anyone else, and we discuss different options and ideas. Nevertheless, I hope this hits all the points for the competition and I hope it also add some cliff hanger, maybe? Though I may have gone a little out of science'y with the whole, cold starting a reactor... Thought maybe a little ingenuity but also probably unrealistic, so I don't know but here's to applying some effort! - JShepard)

2021-08-14 05:44:02

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