[Phase 1]: Number One


The Omega Directive is a classified standing order known only to Starfleet captains and flag officers. During this crisis, your captain will be forced to deal with the unfolding chaos on their own, given that their first officer and other staff will not be able to be briefed on the specifics of their mission. While responsibility ultimately falls to the captain for all decisions, every captain has a member of their crew that they talk things over with, their confidant. Who would your captain turn to if they were able? What are they like? In this competition, write a biography for your captain’s most trusted confidant exploring their personality and history.


  • Entries must be for biographies any character on your own avatar command that your character has a strong, trusting relationship with, but it doesn't matter what position they hold. If you don't have an avatar command, they can be a member of your character's team or a trusted mentor
  • Entries should be created directly on the BFMS.
  • Entries should be at least 500 words long.
  • Entries should clearly articulate through the character's history and experiences what their personality is like, and how they complement or contrast with your command character.
  • Pre-existing characters may be used.
  • Entries will be graded on style, completeness, realism, and their demonstration of the character's personality. Spelling and grammar may be used for tie-breaking purposes but otherwise will not be a primary focus of grading, but distracting areas may negatively impact the "style" category.



User Content Date Entry
Luke Duncan (#1759)


2021-07-28 21:30:28
Th'lora Vehl (#2240)

Entry for Treylana Hess - 07/28/2021


2021-07-28 15:50:08
Alexandria Mitchell (#2266)

My fiction main character is current, Lt Commander Cornelius Harrington. If I am understanding this properly, his closest confidant would be Lt Gregory Michael Alein.

His bio can be found here: https://bravofleet.com/character/35417/

2021-07-25 17:02:59
Henry Maxwell (#2223)

Hmmm, hard to say on how to do this, my primary character is Vakai but i'm playing him as the First Officer on the USS Centaur with Captain John Carter being the CO, though when my avatar does make it to Captain, Vakai would then be Captain and James Ryker would be Vakai's First Officer...so...uhh...

Captain Carter's First Officer, aka Vakai: https://bravofleet.com/character/31030/


Lieutenant James Ryker, who would be Vakai's confidant/First Officer later on, as they are friends after all: https://bravofleet.com/character/31458/

Which ever sounds right or fits best, that be the one to go with. Sorry if I misunderstood the competition.

2021-07-25 02:34:59
Alexandra Sudari-Kravchik (#2121)


2021-07-25 01:34:41

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