[Phase 1]: Omega


Omega particles have been detected across the galaxy, activating the Omega Directive. Some starships are on the front lines, their ship’s systems locking down with the Omega Directive until only the captain, bound by law to keep the existence of Omega a secret, lifts the lockdown and gives further orders. Other captains receive classified briefings to race to an afflicted region and either assist in evacuation, or in the safe destruction of the molecules.

Your ship may fall into either category. Write about your crew’s first encounter with the Omega molecules themselves; either as a surprise rocking the ship, or an anticipated threat they are rushing to meet and neutralise. Remember that knowledge of the Omega molecules is restricted, captains alone understanding the threat and the full burden on their crew and ship. This would make for an even more confusing and challenging encounter for junior officers on a runabout team, who can report their findings but never understand what they stumbled upon.

Your story might address one or several of the following questions:
– How does a captain handle their crew being kept in the dark?
– What strain is the crew or a team of junior officers under, being expected to conduct complicated and stressful operations with incomplete information?
– What is the impact of the burden of responsibility on the captain, where failure would mean the loss of warp travel in a whole region?


  • Your story should be between 1,000 and 2,000 words in length
  • The entry should be written in the Echoes of the Tkon Fleet-Wide Mission, and linked to in the submission. While we allow and encourage you to choose a Story from your ongoing Fleet Action fiction, only the single submitted Story will be graded and judged.
  • Stories will be graded on 1: Originality within the bounds of the brief; 2: How compelling characters’ reactions are to the crisis and its tensions; 3: How engaging the prose is, including compelling, clear, and evocative writing and accurate grammar and spelling, 4: Adherence to Star Trek and Fleet canon.



User ID Content Date Entry
Jackson Porter 2115


trumpetmaster29's entry for Phase 1: Omega

2021-08-06 23:56:58
Walter Jones 1659

Link to the story, hopefully I'm submitting it correctly. :)


1997 words... just under the 2k

2021-08-04 15:56:33
Aoife McKenzie 2231


2021-08-02 23:09:05
Orila Karai 2263


2021-08-02 16:17:57
Alexandria Mitchell 2266


This was a JP written by Aelle (https://bravofleet.com/user/245) and myself, as part of the Fleet Arc on Omega.

2021-07-31 19:53:11
Erill'Yun Mek 2187


2021-07-30 18:00:58
Alexandra Sudari-Kravchik 2121

1553 words

2021-07-29 01:23:14
Warren Paige 99

Larry's entry for Omega Directive Word Search

2021-07-28 20:39:07 View Image
Th'lora Vehl 2240

Entry for Treylana Hess - 07/07/2021


2021-07-28 01:52:18
Azras Dex 10


2021-07-27 03:20:07
Luke Duncan 1759


It is 2000 words - even if BFMS says it isn't!

2021-07-25 19:49:08
Henry Maxwell 2223


Here ye go, 93 Numba One!

2021-07-24 21:14:49
Gar'rath 73

Fiction entry can be found here; https://bravofleet.com/story/36119/

2021-07-24 11:01:53

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