A Letter Home


It’s New Year’s Eve aboard a Starfleet vessel, and for one junior officer, it’s their first time celebrating away from home. In the form of a heartfelt letter to their family, describe the officer’s experience aboard the ship. What do they tell their loved ones about their crewmates, the celebrations (or lack thereof), and the emotions that come with spending such a meaningful time far from home?


  • The letter should reflect the officer’s personality and their unique perspective on life in Starfleet.
  • Include details about life aboard the starship, from the quirks of their fellow crew members to the challenges and surprises of their first assignment.
  • Explore the officer’s emotions – are they homesick? Thrilled to be part of Starfleet? Nervous about fitting in?
  • Use the letter to show how they connect New Year’s traditions to their current experiences, whether through sharing a funny story, reflecting on their goals, or simply expressing their love and longing for home.

Word Limit: 500–1,500 words


  • Stories should be submitted through the BFMS, your entry should link to that story
  • Stories should be between 500 and 1,500 words.
  • Stories will be graded using the Bravo Fleet Fiction Rubric, which marks on the following criteria: Language, Style, & Mechanics; Adherence to Canon; Perspective; Characterization; Originality; Use of the Prompt.
  • Stories must be written during the competition period and should not be a reuse of an existing story. Stories written before or after the competition begins will be disqualified. The BFMS publication date will be used.
  • The story must be a single author post in BFMS and not a joint post with another author.



User ID Content Date Entry
Edwin Wagner 2468


2025-01-19 16:51:06
Sazra Kobahl 2545

https://bravofleet.com/story/141878/ enjoy

2025-01-09 07:24:21
Octavian Jackson 2659


2025-01-07 06:58:40
David Martel 3007


2025-01-07 01:49:10
Richard T. Nolan 3011

Tactical Officer's Log: U.S.S. North Star. Stardate 240201.03

Dear Dad,

It's been three weeks, since I arrived on board the U.S.S. North Star and even though it's only been a short time, I've seen thus far that a posting on a Starbase, is dramatically different from a posting on a Starship. I'm getting to know my fellow crew members on the ship, and they've adopted the nickname "Nola" for me, for obvious but not so obvious reasons. Even though I'm at the bottom rung, when it comes to the hirearchy Tactical, I've learned so much about the North Star's weapon's systems and armaments. The North Star has an impressive weapons system, of two experimental Mark XII Phaser Cannons.. In addition to the Mark XII Phaser Cannons, the North Star has a large compliment of photon torpedoes, and an additional compliment of transphasic torpedoes. I know you're reading this and thinking; "I have no idea what Richard is talking about", so I apologize in advance for rambling.

The North Star's Captain; Treylana Hess is a formidable woman. She delivered a speech at the first roll call of the ship, and it was inspiring to say the least. It makes me proud to be a Starfleet officer, and I hope I can be half the officer that she is.

Even though it's been seven years since I graduated from Starfleet Academy, there's a small part of me that is still homesick for home. Life back home was good and I enjoyed it very much, but joining Starfleet is what's best for me. I know you and Mom still quite can't understand why I joined Starfleet, but I know you support me in whatever path I take in life. So far, I'm fitting in with my fellow crew members, I was invited to a few poker games during our down time, and I enjoyed the comraderie. The tactical department has quite a few officers, who are very competitive so I should fit in quite well. There are several alien species in the tactical department; Trill, Ferengi, Bolian and it's quite the experience for me to learn about the different ways of life, for species other than Terran (human).

It's now 2402 and with a new year, come's new challenges. I know I was never the best example of someone who sticks to their New Year's resolutions, but this year I'm going to make a resolution to work as hard as I can, as a new member of the U.S.S. North Star. I always tried my best in my past postings, but this time it's going to be different. But I promise, I will make an effort to come home as often as I can, because I know it's important to you guys that I stay connected to Sydney Mines.

Well, I think that's it for now Dad. I think you're pretty much caught up on what's been going on aboard the North Star. I've enclosed a recent picture of me, as well as a photo of the North Star itself, so you can get a general idea of how massive the ship is. I'm sure I'll get to know all 750 crew members in time. I miss you and Mom a lot, and I look forward to seeing you when I visit on my next shore leave.

Talk to you soon Dad,

2025-01-04 03:02:43 View Image View Image
Jeremy L. Ryan 2796


2024-12-29 15:12:07
Tiberius Rain 2087


2024-12-27 15:21:17

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