ATTACK – A Truly Tempestuous And Critical Klingon


The Rhyming Klingon has heard your attempts to draw him out and seemingly dispensed his own challenge. Leaving a series of graffiti messages across Starbase Bravo’s otherwise clean walls, he has left you a scathing poetic parry to your earlier offerings. Starbase security lack the creative talents to craft a response and turn to you for help in crafting a witty poetic reposte.

Submissions for this competition should take the form of an acrostic poem. This is a short poem where the first letters spell out something relevant to the poem, often the subject matter at hand. The most famous example is Edgar Allen Poe’s Elizabeth.

The Rhyming Klingon has left his own example;

Knave, I name thee.

Low in thought and witless in word.

Ignorant of all that makes the artist,

Not fit to sing alongside Kahless. 

Gutless and without honor,

Odious in deed as in mind.

No warrior are you, so weak with rhyme. 

K – L – I – N – G – O – N


  • Submissions should take the form of an acrostic poem entered directly into the competition submission box.
  • The poem should be at least 6 lines long forming a word with a minimum of 6 characters.
  • Submissions will be judged on a scale of 1-5 (5 being highest) for the following 4 criteria; 30% Correctness of form and style, 30% Creativity of content and style, 30% Relevance to canon and ongoing in-universe activities, 10% Correctness of spelling and grammar
  • The highest-scoring poem will be declared the winner, ties will be decided by the order of submission.



User ID Content Date Entry
Cressida Brennan 2765

Hypothalamic Regulator - extracted. Keep the emotions tucked away.

Auditory Processor array - active. Don’t hear the things you dare not say.

Respiratory modulation - dormant. Keep your breathing steady and calm,

Vertebral Neural Relay - salvaged. Stand up straight, give no cause for alarm.
Electrodermal Plating - damaged. Skin caught in the embrace of steel.

Synaptic Relay Hub - repurposed. No need to think, no need to feel.

Temporal Cortex Interface - obsolete. And no need to ask why this nightmare is real. 


(I chose this because it relates to my super depressing campaign storyline about borg-part-harvesting)

2024-12-20 21:38:18
Rob Mackenzie 2041

Slavers as they were originally known
Yes, they are cunning and fierce
Now some Borg derived tech has been in their hands
Diverse groups do exist though and some
Identify as scientists too
Careful, because the more well known Orions
Are in conflict with the blue skinned ones
The houses involved may be beaten back, but
Events may just be the beginning...

2024-12-20 10:36:04
Rubious 3006

Before you know what stands before you
Engaging is an act of futility
Turning and twisting as if I knew
Attacking with uncanny agility
Zero chance of catching me by surprise
Offering only a quick defeat
Imminent victory in my eyes
Dedicated to my crew and Starfleet


2024-12-15 07:00:46
Sazra Kobahl 2545

Not the best at this, so reword it a few times. Making it longer and my brain will explode lol

Hope you wield, yet honor you lack.
Overwrought words will not win you back.
Noble deeds form the warrior's rhyme,
Only through battle can you conquer time.
Real poets know when their jest is through.


2024-12-13 15:09:55
Jeremy L. Ryan 2796

Sung of in glory, where warriors stand,
Triumphant in battle, with honor in hand.
Only the worthy may enter this place,
Victors in life, no sign of disgrace.
Over the stars, their praises resound,
Kahless awaits where honor is found.
Onward they battle, their legacy bright,
Reward eternal in Sto-Vo-Kor's light.


2024-12-07 14:09:58
James MacLeod 653

H – O – N – O – R – S

Hope your bat’leth’s sharp, your verse less dull,
Over each line, your prowess takes a lull.
Never have I faced a foe so tame,
Only weak rhymes bring your house shame.
Rise above this childish taunt, if you can,
Show us you’re more than a rhyming targ’s fan.

2024-12-07 12:53:23

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