Pleiades Poetry Challenge


Get ready to channel your inner sci-fi bard with the Pleiades poetry style, inspired by the legendary 7 Sisters constellation. Each poem must have a single-word title and seven lines, all starting with the same letter. The twist? It’s all from your main character’s perspective.

Ex of Pleiades:

Vision is the art of being
versatile, open to the stray
vagaries of common thought, of
viewing the world with mind wide open.
Vision is the gift of valiant pioneers, the
vanguard of new horizons, those who know the
value of adaptability in a world grown stagnant.

And here’s your cosmic challenge: Your letter is

G. Engage! 🌌


  • - One-word title
  • - Seven lines, each kicking off with the same letter
  • - Must be in your main character's voice
  • - Creativity and adherence to the rules will crown the victor
  • - Above all, have fun!



User ID Content Date Entry
Solaris McLaren 2854


Glowing trails of distant light,
galaxies spiral out of sight.
Gleaming stars in inky sky,
guiding ships through endless night,
glorious in their silent flight.
Glimpses of heaven in their sight,
grand beyond our human might.

2024-10-21 22:11:49


Gre’thor, to which the souls of dishonored Klingons are ferried after death, beckons.
Great gates open to permit the Barge of the Dead, its belly full of cowards, exiles, traitors... and my family.
Gloating Fek'lhr drools and growls as the Barge floats past and I wonder; by what stars did the Barge chart its course to this place?
Glittering constellations that guide sailors and explorers and merchants do the same for raiders and pirates and killers.
Guiltless the constellations seem to be, despite their complicity, despite having helped monsters like the Hunters in their quest for blood and death and glory.
Glory that, for the dishonored dead, will remain as untouchable as stars in the sky.

2024-10-20 00:29:54
Jason Devron 2554


Grieved and mourned in every breath
Gone from this world far too soon
Greeted by generations from the past
Grant me fortitude, so I may lead
Give me a sign that points the way
Guide my hand along this path
Grandfather if you hear me, just say the word

(Jason Devron, remembering the lose of his Grandfather, killed on 'Frontier Day'.)

2024-10-19 14:24:36
Nathan Hawthorne 2199


Given that it is a scientific concept.

Granted that it is needed to transverse the stars.

Gorn have also proven they are affected by gravity.

Generally stronger on Vulcan than on human environments

Growing out understanding of gravity is

Great disappointment I feel having to write in such an illogical way.

- Captain Radak

2024-10-18 03:57:12
Alaric Constantine 1651


Gamut run, his training completed,
Garbed in red, or the gold of old, he was
Given authority, though not to abuse.
Genuine in his desire to lead, to
Gird the will of those who serve.
Gallant atop his captain's chair, he
Gestures "engage" to turn the page.

2024-10-14 15:37:04
James MacLeod 653


By: Captain James C. MacLeod, Starfleet
Commanding Officer, USS Ulysses (NCC-90565)

Grit is getting up when your body screams otherwise.
Guts and glory don’t win wars-endurance does.
Grave decisions, made in seconds, linger for lifetimes.
Guesswork becomes strategy when you trust your gut.
Ground beneath your feet shifts; you adapt or fall.
Greatness isn't born-it's forged in fire and sweat.
Giving up? Not in my vocabulary. Not today.

2024-10-12 23:26:36
Noli Auru 18

‘Gravity’ as told by Fleet Captain Keziah Nazir

Gravity, the attraction of objects with mass.
Gravitational pull keeps you
Grounded when you need it most.
Gravimetric distortions are very much the order of the day.
Giant space bodies are unable to resist its lure.
Globular Cluster VI is unique for its pockets of gravity-defying entities.
Giarvar annoys the Chief by turning the gravity off in cargo bay two…

2024-10-12 13:41:30
Varen Wyll 2419


Grace me goddesses sevenfold,
grant me a subspace wind upon my back.
Gift me a tempered star-filled sea, and
gird my bark 'gainst green talon and red blade.
Guard my mortal heart from strife filled shadows, lo
grim darkness awaits beneath the solar currents.
Goddesses guide me safe, to that ever-distant dawn.

2024-10-11 15:13:28
Cressida Brennan 2765

Guarantees in life are few.
Grains of time slip through our fingers, unnoticed.
Goals shift, as the ground beneath us trembles,
Guiding us toward lessons we didn’t ask for.
Giving way to wisdom.
Gotten to where we stand, we realise,
Grasping life’s unpredictability is the prize we gain.

2024-10-09 08:36:47

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