USS Oakland (Archive)
26 January 2024
USS Oakland (Archive)
It had been a whirlwind. Graduating the academy was a big step of course, but it was just the beginning of a life of adventure. Jade had finished close to the top of the class but under the radar, as she always strived to be. She was not one to go for the attention or the big deal. She just wanted [...]
4 January 2024
Captain on the Bridge Part One
USS Oakland (Archive)
There are fewer occasions in the life of a Starfleet Captain that can eclipse the feeling of bringing out a brand new vessel. Walter Reynolds had risen through the ranks swiftly. As a Commander aboard the USS Franklin, he had impressed the top brass onboard and at Starfleet Command and when the [...]
4 January 2024
USS Oakland (Archive)
Here he was, Starbase Bravo. It was HUGE. The young Caitian Ensign had been sent here to wait until called to board his new vessel. The USS Oakland was the newest California Class starship and was being finished here. Just a few small additions and adjustments and she would be ready for her [...]
14 December 2023
USS Oakland (Archive)
The Caitian gulped as his alarm clock sounded. Today was the day. He’d worked hard for years at Starfleet Academy and today he headed to his first ever posting. He stood from the bed, rubbing his eyes with his clawed paws and yawned, his long feline tongue flopping from his mouth as he [...]