"Diversity our Strength" - City of Toronto Motto
Commanded by Captain Sofia Vestri, the USS Toronto has recently been assigned to Challenger Squadron and will soon embark on her first journey to the Gamma Quadrant, where she will focus on missions of scientific investigation and unlocking the secrets of newly accessible areas following the Dominion’s withdrawl.
Commanding Officer
Executive Officer
Chief Engineer
Chief Tactical/Security Officer
Chief Science Officer
Chief Medical Officer
6 November 2023
USS Toronto (Archive)
“Now entering standard orbit, Captain.” Captain Vestri acknowledged the report before looking to Kozlov seated at the science station. She was glad to see he’d taken the time to change out of his pyjamas and dressing gown into his duty uniform. “Scan the surface.” “Already scanning, [...]
28 October 2023
USS Toronto (Archive)
What, Lieutenant Grigory Kozlov wondered, bewildered people more as he crossed the bridge? Was it seeing the Toronto’s Chief Science Officer here at three in the morning? Or perhaps it was the fact he was dressed in his pyjamas and dressing gown. Ultimately it didn’t matter, he decided as he [...]