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USS Crazy Horse (Archive)

Task Force 86


Named after the famed Lakota chief the USS Crazy Horse is an aging Excelsior class starship.  No longer a frontline vessel the Crazy Horse still serves the United Federation of Planets under Captain Aoife McKenzie,  her first starship command. Doing odd jobs around the Federation the Crazy Horse is still vital to the mission of Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets.

Valhalla Heavy Escort Division

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Crew Manifest

Name Position Rank
ID: 2231
Executive Officer
ID: 2231
Chief of Operations
ID: 2231
Chief Medical Officer
ID: 2231
Chief of Security/Tactical
ID: 2231
Chief Science Officer
ID: 2231
Chief Engineer
ID: 2231
ID: 2231
Executive Officer
ID: 2231
Assistant Chief Engineer
ID: 2231
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
ID: 2231
Guest Character
ID: 2457
ID: 2231
Guest Character
Avalon Citizen
ID: 2468

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2 February 2023

Chapter 8

USS Crazy Horse (Archive): Argent Dawn

The sun was breaking over the horizon, turning the sky red to grey to black in the early dawn hours.  Aoife was slumped over her horse with her cloak drawn around her against the chill.  She wasn’t asleep, but she wasn’t fully awake either.  She yearned for a warm fire, tea in [...]

6 January 2023


USS Crazy Horse: Blood For Blood

The sun was bright over the Nevada desert.  Below the Squadron of five Valkyrie fighters lay the cities of Reno and farther to the East lay Fernley and Fallon. This empty and sparsely populated portion of North America had trained future pilots for centuries. Fallon Naval Air Station was a [...]

5 January 2023

Chapter 7

USS Crazy Horse (Archive): Argent Dawn

Aoife sat by the fire sewing a pair of trousers for Nick.  Nick sat at the dining table with his newest creation from the forge.  With long strokes, Nick slid the edge of the two-handed sword along the sharpening stone. Setting down her sewing, Aoife added another log to the fire, walked [...]

16 December 2022

See You Out There Captain

USS Crazy Horse: Blood For Blood

Órlaith surveyed her guest quarters aboard Starbase 75 on last time looking for any forgotten personal items.  All was as it should be.  The cleaning crews would make the bed, and replenish the towels for the next visitor to the station. She adjusted the strap on her duffle bag and [...]