USS Fresno (NCC-75574)

"The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at and repair." -Douglas Adams

Nothing is impossible to repair.

USS Fresno

California-class • NCC-75574 • Task Force 72

The primary task of the USS Fresno under the command of Captain Michael Dart is to perform a supportive and logistical role to Taskforce 72’s mission, with a heavy focus geared towards matters of engineering needs.  As such, the current crew roster of the Fresno tends to be those with a heavy background in engineering.  Even when it comes to the rest of the roles that are necessary to fulfil the needs of any starship, those with a secondhand background, passing interest, or familiarity with engineering are preferred in order to compliment the ship’s overall assignment.


Content on this command can possibly be rated at up to 222 on the RPG Ratings Scale, per the Bravo Fleet Content Policy. Mild swearing, contextual violence, and limited/romantic sexual interaction may be present. It is intended for audiences (16+).

Crew Manifest

Name Position Rank
ID: 2652
First Officer
ID: 2652
Science Officer
ID: 2652
Chief Medical Officer
ID: 2652
Chief Engineer
ID: 2652
ID: 2652
Chief Tactical Officer
ID: 2652
Communications Specialist
ID: 2652

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