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Profile Overview

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Dante Amodio

Human Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Crewman Chef


Ship’s Chef
USS Vallejo


Dante Amodio

25 May 2366

Bari, Earth


Dante Amodio, the passionate Italian chef brings a taste of home to the far reaches of space with his culinary creations. With a twinkle in his eye and a zest for life, Dante infuses his dishes with flavors that evoke memories of his native Italy. His warm personality and infectious enthusiasm for cooking have made him a beloved figure among the crew, with his galley serving as a hub of camaraderie and good food. Whether crafting a traditional pasta dish or experimenting with intergalactic ingredients, Dante’s dedication to his craft shines through in every meal he prepares.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2401 - Present Ships’s Chef USS Vallejo