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Profile Overview

Lorraine Everard

Human Woman

Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain Everard


Executive Officer
Gateway Station


Lorraine Everard


Malton, Earth


A veteran officer who has served on Starbase 23, including its predecessor, for several years, Lorraine Everard looked to take early retirement in 2401. Frontier Day and the catastrophic loss of seasoned personnel it caused prompted her to stay in Starfleet, and she has remained on Gateway Station as its Executive Officer. Captain Everard is an expert on the politics of the Romulan border, though she herself admits the dynamics of the 25th century, with the final collapse of the Star Empire, defy almost anyone’s experience. She has a reputation for a brusque, no-nonsense attitude, tolerating little by way of excuses or failure from her subordinates. Once an officer has earned her trust, however, there is a warmth beneath the surface, and she will fight to the end for her crew’s wellbeing and success.