
Profile Overview

Created with Leonardo

Ryder James Reese-Riggs

Human Male


Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain Reese-Riggs


USS Resolute




Ryder James Reese-Riggs

April 1st, 2363

Civilian Transporter - Morningstar


RJ is an experienced Starfleet officer and would make an excellent commanding officer, apart from his playboy tendencies.

He is highly adaptive and very charming, with a tenacious and ruthless side, all qualities that lend themselves well to the brutality of the fight against drugs and trafficking often found on the borders of the Federation.

He’s not the sort of man you trust to escort a diplomat (even less so if the diplomat is attractive) or at a formal function (previous comments about playboy tendencies for reference) but absolutely the sort of man you want to break a cartel or trafficking/smuggling ring or in a down and out fight with no rules.

RJ excels in situations with few resources where he has to adapt on the fly, just as long as you don’t look at his methods too closely. For these reasons he is a commanding officer who will hold onto his pips by the skin of his teeth and is unlikely to rise above his current role.


RJ is a tall, well muscled individual who maintains that physical fitness is less of a passion as maintaining his appearance is. He claims to be vain, but his workout regime is calculated for functional, rather than aesthetic, fitness. His hair is often over-long, and he usually manages to tame the wayward curls while in uniform. He has blue eyes and skin that easily burns in the sun. He has a tattoo on his left glute of a cupcake, as a result of getting drunk and losing a bet.

Created with Leonardo
Created in Midjourney
Created with Leonardo
Created with Leonardo


RJ is a flirt, pure and simple. He is highly adaptive and very charming, both of which he uses to his advantage. He appears to be shallow, concerned with only the superficial things in life, and to all intents and purposes is a playboy captain barreling through life from one crisis to the next, relying on his charm and luck to get out of trouble.

However, his actions often benefit those around him, a fact he will claim is completely coincidental, and at times RJ’s actions have verged on the heroic (again, apparently a complete coincidence).

He is fiercely loyal to his family, especially his younger sister, Aya.


Early Life

RJ was born aboard the civilian livestock transport, the Morningstar, and spent his early life aboard with his younger sister, Aya. He did not set foot on a planet until after his fifth birthday and will always be more comfortable in space. He was educated aboard the Morningstar and learned the ropes of the livestock transport business before he hit his early teens by moving between ships in the Riggs Transport Company fleet. He always knew that his future was not in moving animals from one system to another and applied for Starfleet as soon as he was able.

Starfleet Academy

Like many, RJ found the admission process for the Academy extremely stressful. His natural charm was largely useless against the multitude of exams he found himself facing. Fortunately, despite being an utter brat, RJ had never been a slouch during his education, even though that education was mainly conducted remotely aboard the Morningstar, and he managed to scrape through.

Academy life suited RJ perfectly. The life and soul of the party, he was always at the centre of whatever trouble was to be found, yet somehow escaped any kind of punishment (mostly due to his ability to look innocent, then outright charm his way out of trouble).

His academy years were largely uneventful, and he served his cadet cruise aboard the USS Morrigan. He impressed the captain and first officer so much, he was offered a position aboard as a tactical officer after graduation.

Starfleet Career

RJ stayed aboard the USS Morrigan for six years, rising from a simple tactical officer to eventually become the ship’s Chief Tactical officer. Once he realised he had risen as far as he could on the Morrigan (and after a messy breakup with one of the nurses aboard), he accepted a transfer to the USS Canterbury as the Chief Tactical / Second Officer.

His time on the Canterbury was marked by a series of personal incidents, none of which were serious enough to warrant official attention but did gain him somewhat of a reputation aboard. During this time, he rose to the position of Executive Officer.

After four years aboard, RJ made the leap again, this time to take up command of the USS Charnwood. 

As a result of an unfortunate personal encounter with an admiral’s daughter (or rather, an unfortunate encounter with the Admiral), RJ was removed from command of the USS Charnwood and placed on administrative leave.

Arriana Prime

While on administrative leave, RJ spend time captaining one of his family’s livestock transports, the Morningstar. When the Dominion Lost Fleet reappeared, the Morningstar was two systems away from Arriana Prime, where the USS Resolute had been assigned to retake the planet from Jem’Hadar forces. RJ and his sister, Aya, joined forces with the USS Resolute and aided in the efforts against the Dominion. During the incident, both of the Morningstar’s transport rafts were destroyed (something that RJ’s grandmother declares that he’ll be paying off until the day he dies), rendering the vessel unusable.

After an investigation that cleared him off all charges, he was reinstated to command status but has yet to be assigned to a command.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2385 - 2386 Tactical Officer USS Morrigan
2386 - 2387 Asst Chief Tactical Officer USS Morrigan
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2387 - 2389 Asst Chief Tactical Officer USS Morrigan
Lieutenant Commander
2389 - 2392 Chief Tactical Officer/Second Officer USS Canterbury
Lieutenant Commander
2392 - 2396 Executive Officer USS Canterbury
Lieutenant Commander
2396 - 2399 Commanding Officer USS Charnwood
2399 - 2401 Administrative Leave Civilian
2401 - Present Observer USS Resolute