
Profile Overview

Graham King

Half Human/Half Vulcan Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Junior Grade King


Chief Engineer
USS Vostok (Archive)


Graham Alexander King


USS Frechet


Graham is the odd man out with a quiet crooked smile and piercing eyes that hangs on the edge of conversations until he has something to contribute. Thoughtful, but not to be pushed.


Short black hair and dark blue eyes are a stark contrast to Graham’s pale skin and structured features. He has extensive tattoo work on his right arm that he likes to wear out when not in uniform. To him the art tells the story of his journey through the universe so far, and he adds to it regularly. Graham stands about 6′ and has a very lean frame.


Graham greatly favors his human side thanks to being primarily raised by his mother. He tends to be very laid back and almost thoughtful, but quiet. His motions, his expressions, his words are all very purposeful, and when he speaks people tend to listen because he doesn’t mince words. Graham also adores music, though more on the louder, harder rock spectrum that allows him to vent without accidentally hurting anyone. In general Graham is a little eccentric and very affable, just not quite human.


Graham’s parents were lovers that grew apart from one another while serving at a science station in deep space. His mother kept him a secret after his father was transferred to a ship. He only found out about Graham when the boy was eleven, and all attempts to pull him into a more ordered existence seemed to fall by the wayside. His father became more of a mentor, especially after his mother married and bore him three siblings back to back. He existed in a space between both of their words: not fitting into his mother’s white picket fence world or his father’s carefully cultivated peace. At nineteen he went off on his own, travelling extensively in search of where he belonged before realizing that it wasn’t the place, it was the people that he couldn’t settle in amongst. He joined Star Fleet on his father’s suggestion that crews often became families and perhaps that was what he needed. It turned out to be true in Graham’s case, as he felt closer to his crewmates that he did his siblings.