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Profile Overview

Jace Morgan

Human Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Junior Grade Morgan


Former Operations Officer
USS Polaris


Jace Morgan



Lieutenant J.G. Jace Morgan serves as an Operations Officer and member of the Hazard Team aboard the USS Polaris. Skilled with computer systems and engineering equipment, he’s a versatile, cool under pressure, and has strong strong problem-solving skills. When coupled with the fact he’s a fitness buff and a hand-to-hand combat aficionado, he was sought out by Commander Lewis to join the Hazard Team he was organizing aboard the ship. Over his two years aboard the USS Polaris, he has proven his worth equally behind a terminal, crawling around the Jeffries tubes, and wielding a phaser in the field.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2400 - Present Operations Officer USS Polaris
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2397 - 2400 Operations Officer USS Ganymede
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2394 - 2397 Engineering Officer USS Pollux
2391 - 2394 Cadet Starfleet Academy