
Profile Overview

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Savvi Qelreth

Andorian Non-binary


Character Information

Rank & Address

Ensign Qelreth


Medical Student
Caelum Station


Savvithra zh'Qelreth

2378 (Age: 23)


Ensign Savvithra zh’Qelreth is a medical student studying at the Starfleet Medical Academy teaching hospital on Caelum Station. Qelreth’s ambition is to become a surgeon, or a counselor, or doctor of veterinary medicine.  The specific ambition changes by the day and they’ll prepare for every one of them.


/ Academy counselors took note of Qelreth’s chameleonic personality.  They have a way of mirroring the personalities of those who hold their attention, be it chatty gossip, stoic observer or intense vulnerability.  The subtle ways their personality molds to fit with others can be extremely disarming, even without Qelreth trying.  Qelreth was able to flit between dozens of friend-groups at the Academy; at least seventeen people signed their yearbook as their “best friend”.  When Qelreth lost their temper though?  That temper stayed lost.


/ While Qelreth majored in xenobiology at Starfleet Academy, they also opted to study advanced starship operations and obtain their bridge certification before applying to Starfleet Medical school.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2397 - 2401 Xenobiology Cadet Starfleet Academy -- Mellstoxx III
2402 - Present Medical Student Caelum Station