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Profile Overview

Giovanni D'Antonio

Human Male


Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain D'Antonio


Leave of Absence




Giovanni D'Antonio

15th of February, 2338 (Age: 63)

Rome, Europe, Earth


Captain Giovanni D’Antonio is a Human male Starfleet officer who is currently on a leave of absence following the injuries that he sustained on his last mission. D’Antonio is a skilled diplomat and a self-proclaimed master writer. His exceptional dedication to excellence, efficiency, and unwavering belief in truth and justice. Though at times he can be seen as no-nonsense and by the books, he can make reckless decisions when he believes he can get the mission done more efficiently.


Fit and handsome, Captain D’Antonio is slightly taller than most coming in at 190 cm tall, and has a muscular build, weighing 85 kg. He has dark hair with medium length and it mostly hangs loosely. D’Antonio has dazzling hazel eyes and he’s usually laughing at jokes he made. When he is off duty, he favors semi-formal clothing so as he says “so I can always look like a snack.”


Bordering on the point of being foolhardy, Captain D’Antonio is an incredibly brave person, and when it comes to combat situations he is a no-nonsense person. Though at times he does charge into dangerous situations and hopes for the best, even when the odds are stacked high against him, which is part of the reason he was put into command so early in his career. He is extremely protective over those he commands, he (like Anson Mount’s Pike) hosts dinners where members of the bridge crew as well as some enlisted personnel, and cadets are invited to his quarters, where they are encouraged to dress casually. He is very VERY successful romantically in terms of sexual escapades with many species, he is a heterosexual male.


Early Life

Giovanni D’Antonio was born in Florence on the 15th of February in 2333 and grew up speaking English, Italian, Spanish, and Arabic in a multiethnic home. The son of a Starfleet Admiral, and Fleet Captain, who had long since transferred from deep space exploration after almost thirty years on starships. His mother a Vice-Admiral, and his father a Fleet Captain, would serve on board a variety of stations, and outposts including McKinley Station, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, Jupiter Station, and Starbase 47, commuting from the planet’s surface daily. Frequently D’Antonio’s parents would allow him to accompany them into orbit. By age ten, he had resolved to follow in his parents footsteps and join Starfleet.

Starfleet Academy

He with the help of his parents would join Starfleet on the first try, and would study small-group tactics but later that same year the Academy would be attacked by the Breen killing some of De Luca’s friends including his girlfriend a vulcan named, V’Las. This attack would drive De Luca into switching career paths, and joining Starfleet Medical Academy to learn how to become a nurse.

Medical School

De Luca joined Starfleet Medical Academy in 2379 to further his medical knowledge. He would stay there for three years, driven by the sadness, and anger he felt for not helping his friends during the breen attack on the Academy. After talking with his mother he realized that medical was not what he wanted to do with his career and would transfer to the command division and with a recommendation from Dr. Katelyn Simmonds who was head of Starfleet Medical, would be placed aboard a Sutherland-class starship the Jacksonville as its Flight Control Officer.

Starfleet Career

Early Career

His first posting out of the Academy was to be the Flight Control Office aboard the Sutherland-class starship Jacksonville. The following year, De Luca was part of an away team during a second contact mission in the region when rogue Cardassian elements attacked the team. Goodman saved the first officer by pushing him out of the way of a phaser blast and was commended and promoted to lieutenant commander in the process, and would be transferred to the Tallahassee as its new executive officer.

USS Tallahassee | (2383 – 2390)

In 2383, De Luca was promoted to lieutenant commander, and made the executive officer of the Tallahassee he would serve in this position until the commanding officer of the Tallahassee was killed aboard a shuttle heading for a planet’s surface due to computer malfunction. After this accident he was promoted to commander, due to him remaining calm and getting his crew under control. He was made the commanding officer of the Tallahassee and would serve in this position for four years, before he would be promoted to captain in 2389, remaining in command of the Tallahassee. In 2390, he and most of his crew would be placed on a leave of absence from Starfleet.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2356 - 2357 Command Cadet Starfleet Academy
San Francisco – Earth

Cadet Freshman Grade
2357 - 2358 Command Cadet Starfleet Academy
San Francisco – Earth

Cadet Sophomore Grade
2358 - 2359 Command Cadet Starfleet Academy
San Francisco – Earth

Cadet Junior Grade
2359 - 2360 Command Cadet Starfleet Academy
San Francisco – Earth

Cadet Senior Grade
2360 - 2362 Relief Tactical Officer USS Florida

2362 - 2365 Threat Assessment & Response Officer USS Florida

2365 - 2367 Chief Tactical Officer USS Roosevelt
Constitution II-class

Lieutenant Junior Grade
2367 Acting Commanding Officer USS Roosevelt
Constitution II-class

2367 - 2370 Analyst
Analysis Bureau

Starfleet Intelligence
2370 - 2373 Field Operative
Special Operations Bureau

Starfleet Intelligence
2373 - 2375 Field Operative
Special Operations Bureau

Starfleet Intelligence
Lieutenant Commander
2375 - 2379 Intelligence Advisor
Special Counsel to the Captain

USS Xyston

Lieutenant Commander
2379 - 2383 Case Officer / Station Chief
Special Operations Bureau

Starfleet Intelligence
2383 - 2385 Executive Officer USS Tampa

2385 Acting Commanding Officer USS Tampa

2385 - 2393 Commanding Officer USS Tallahassee

2393 - 2400 Commanding Officer USS Xyston

2400 - 2401 Medical Leave Earth
2401 - Present Commanding Officer USS Valkyrie
