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Profile Overview

Nora Yates

Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Yates


Chief Medical Officer
USS Echelon (Archive)


Nora Yates


Earth, Sol System


Nora has recently found herself re-assigned from her post with Starfleet Medical in London to the USS Corax, a raven class corvette under priority orders to quell an outbreak of Terrellian Plague in the former Romulan Star Empire


Starfleet Academy (2387 – 2390)

San Francisco Campus

Starfleet Medical, London Branch

Nora chose to complete the final two years of her training serving in the London Branch of Starfleet Medical and in 2391, she found herself promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade and assigned to her chosen destination. Its proximity to another branch of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers was a great asset to Nora’s training and solidified her desire to generalize in as many areas she could. Working in Starfleet could be unpredictable and quick thinking and actions would be required. She loved her time completing her training in London and she had obviously made an impression on the Director who put in a request to her instructors to assign her to his team

Starfleet Medical, London Branch (2391-2401)

USS Corax (2401 – 2401)

The Terrellian Crisis

Nora has recently found herself re-assigned from her post with Starfleet Medical in London to the USS Corax, a raven class corvette under priority orders to quell an outbreak of Terrellian Plague in the former Romulan Star Empire.

USS Auckland (2401 – Present)

The Terrellian Crisis

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2387 - 2388 Medical Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Freshman Grade
2388 - 2389 Medical Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2389 - 2390 Medical Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Junior Grade
2390 - 2391 Medical Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2391 - 2392 Starfleet Medical Trainee Starfleet Medical, San Francisco
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2392 - 2393 Starfleet Medical Trainee Starfleet Medical, San Francisco
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2393 - 2401 General Surgeon and Practitioner Starfleet Medical, London
2401 Chief Medical Officer USS Corax
2401 - Present Chief Medical Officer USS Auckland