
Profile Overview

Nova DeVoglaer

Human Cisgender Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant DeVoglaer


Chief Operations Officer
USS Constellation


As an operations officer assigned to the USS Branchus, Lieutenant Indira DeVoglaer became lost through a temporal distortion with her crew in the year 2257.  When the USS Sarek discovered the Branchus in the year 2401, DeVoglaer’s expertise in systems science made her a quick study in understanding the advances in technology since she fell out of the universe.  On the other hand, the quick temper that earned her the nickname Nova made her an uneasy fit in the post-utopian culture of the 25th century as the chief operations officer aboard the USS Ascension.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2255 - 2257 Operations Officer USS Branchus
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2401 Operations Officer USS Constellation
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2401 - Present Chief Operations Officer USS Constellation