
Profile Overview

Casey Washburn

Human Cisgender Man


Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Washburn


Casey Allen Washburn

12 June, 2124

Chicago, Illinois, North America


Casey Washburn (known to most people as Wash) is a Human male engineer that was born and raised in the city of Chicago. Never one to back down from a fight, Wash has spent the majority of his Starfleet career in the Research & Development working on tactical and defensive projects.


Wash is of slightly above average height, standing at five feet ten inches tall. He maintains a better than expected fitness standard for an engineer, doing cardio and light weight training several times per week to keep his weight around 170 pounds. His complexion is on the paler side, which is accentuated by his wavy black hair and bright blue eyes. Wash’s face has very few distinguishing marks; of note is his somewhat crooked nose, a prize earned from a fight during his Academy days.


Wash has been described as somewhat high-strung; he is a person that is always on the go, always talking and in motion. He loves to talk with anybody about literally anything, and he tries to stay well informed on current events and happenings to keep conversation flowing freely. Although talkative, Wash is very approachable and is generally quite upbeat in his demeanor. As an engineer, he is well versed in technical subjects and is on a continuing quest to improve the engines and systems under his stewardship.