
Profile Overview

Haydyn W Wil

Human Male

Character Information




Haydyns father was a star fleet officer.His father was the first officer of a ship called the U.S.S santano. His father left him hologram chips 1 for every birthday for when he grew up.After watching most of the holograms he had an idea of trying to carry on his fathers legacy in starfleet trying to make his father and mother proud of him.It took a while before his mother willingly accepted his ask to join starfleet as it’s the same thing that took her husband away from her.She hoped that he didn’t come to an end like his father but Haydyn just wanted to make her proud and be like his father when he was in starfleet.The boy couldn’t wait as he was still to young to join starfleet at this time but as soon as he was old enough to join starfleet he didn’t wait and became a cadet as quick as he could.