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Profile Overview

Ydran Elvad

Cardassian Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Commander Elvad


Chief Medical Officer
Gateway Station


Doctor Elvad is a specialist in cardiothoracic xeno-surgery whose service and training until now has been on large starbases and notable border stations, rather than starships. He is noted for his exceptional arrogance, which is made only worse by his undeniable talent and skills, and is a politically active officer particularly interested in pursuing the interests of Cardassian officers and citizens in Starfleet and the Federation.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2382 - 2386 Officer Candidate Starfleet Academy
2386 - 2390 Medical Student Starfleet Academy
2390 - 2395 Surgical Resident USS Capella
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2395 - 2399 Attending Surgeon Starbase 72
2399 - 2401 Assistant Chief Medical Officer USS Endeavour
2401 - Present Assistant Chief Medical Officer Gateway Station
Lieutenant Commander
2401 - Present Chief Medical Officer USS Tempest
Lieutenant Commander