
Profile Overview


Vulcan Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant Commander T'Prana




Lieutenant Commander T’Prana is recently promoted, having served as chief science officer of the Oberth-class U.S.S. Christopher/NCC-624 prior to attending command school and her assignment to the U.S.S. Phoenix/NCC-618. Though she excelled in her studies at command school, the Vulcan is uncertain of her leadership capabilities, and is uncomfortable in this first command assignment, especially serving as first officer under a human commander.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2262 - 2263 Starfleet cadet Starfleet Academy - San Francisco
Freshman Cadet
2263 - 2264 Starfleet cadet Starfleet Academy - San Francisco
Sophomore Cadet
2264 - 2265 Starfleet cadet Starfleet Academy - San Francisco
Junior Cadet
2265 - 2266 Starfleet cadet Starfleet Academy - San Francisco
Senior Cadet
2266 - 2268 Science officer USS Gleaner/NCC-706
2268 - 2271 Science officer U.S.S. Durmitov/NCC-1853
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2271 - 2276 Chief science officer U.S.S. Durmitov/NCC-1853
2276 - 2277 Command officer candidate Starfleet Academy - San Francisco
2277 - Present First officer/chief science officer U.S.S. Phoenix/NCC-618
Lieutenant Commander