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Profile Overview

Iro Rakan

Cardassian Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain Rakan


USS Arondight


Iro Rakan



Born in what was once the DMZ, Rakan’s colony fell under Federation jurisdiction following the Dominion War. She was one of the first Cardassians to attend Starfleet Academy and is one of the only command-grade Cardassian officers in Starfleet. She is friendly, empathetic, and very personable, having a diplomatic background from her academy training and early career. Rakan served as Executive Officer aboard the Arcturus in late 2399 before assuming command of Overwatch Station near the Romulan Border.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2376 - 2377 Interstellar Relations Student Starfleet Academy
Cadet Freshman Grade
2377 - 2378 Interstellar Relations Student Starfleet Academy
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2378 - 2379 Interstellar Relations Student Starfleet Academy
Cadet Junior Grade
2379 - 2380 Interstellar Relations Student Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2380 - 2382 Commanding Officer's Aide-de-Camp Starbase 72
2382 - 2386 Protocol Officer Starbase 72
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2386 - 2390 Officer of the Watch Starbase 72
2390 - 2395 Starfleet Attaché Federation Embassy to Cardassia Prime
Lieutenant Commander
2395 - 2399 Executive Officer USS Yamato
2399 - 2400 Executive Officer USS Arcturus