
Profile Overview

Turro Pithe

Bajoran Cisgender Man


Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Turro


Chief Counselor
USS Constellation


Turro Pithe

2374 (Age: 28)

Sahving Province, Bajor


Born on Bajor after the end of the Cardassian Occupation, Lieutenant Turro Pithe has grown up among a new generation of Bajorans who choose to be radically optimistic and fiercely idealistic.  Even after the horrors of Frontier Day, Turro would rather die than betray even one of Starfleet’s principles.  He serves the USS Constellation as her Chief Counselor and he’s an impassioned storyteller, having grown up in a Bajoran village haunted by the Dal’Rok energy creature.


Ensign Turro Pithe while attending Starfleet Medical