
Profile Overview

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Vulcan Male


Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Junior Grade Sienak


"The Watchdog"



2374 AD

Ni'Var, Vulcan System, Alpha Quadrant


Sienak is a hard person to like.

Partly because this taciturn young Vulcan is mawkish and has the unnerving tendency to stare right through you (as if you are something to be quantified) and partly because his job as a SAPINT officer in Starfleet Intelligence, is partly to investigate threats to the United Federation of Planets and partly to surveil his fellow officers aboard the Prometheus – Class vessel he serves aboard (earning him the unfair moniker “The Watchdog”) – to ensure that operational security is maintained as the USS Athena engages in missions euphemistically classified as “Special Circumstances.”

Eminently focused on his duties, Sienak is awkward in social situations and finds the illogical actions that typify non – Vulcan races confounding, at the best of times.

Calling Sienak “by-the-book” only serves to make The Book appear frivolous….


Tall, thin and cadaverous – Sienak is a Vulcan male in his late twenties, with dark hair cut in the traditional Vulcan style, pale hair and slightly bulbous eyes that lend him an myopic aspect and that most crewmembers find slightly disconcerting.

Sienak’s uncomfortably seems to permeate to his physical gait and comportment, he move awkwardly and even when at rest he give the impression of unease.

Whilst most Vulcans are the very antithesis of glacial calm, in stark contrast, Sienak exhibits some of the stress behaviors of ADHD, with nervous ticks often creasing his features and a tendency to fidget with his hands when stressed or concerned.


Sienak near broadcasts social anxiety and unease – as experienced through the filter of Vulcan emotive stricture.

Whilst these behaviors might seem incongruous to those more familiar with typical Vulcan comportment, this restlessness actually compliments Sienak in his duties as an Intelligence Officer. He is constantly evaluating everything and everyone on an instinctual level, as he subconsciously tries to evaluate each external threat and arrange them into a logical framework.

In his off duty time, Sienak prefers his own company (further alienating him socially from the remainder of the crew) and seeks to centre himself and seek inner calm through long hours of meditation and contemplation.


Born on the Vulcan Homeworld of Ni’Var, Sienak was an unconventional child with equally unorthodox focusses. Prior to his enrollment in Starfleet Academy in 2390 AD, Sienak attended the Sortek Science Academy, where he studied predictive logic and applied psychology.

Initially entering Starfleet Academy’s  Minos Korva campus on a science – track, Sienak’s proclivity towards ADHD made studying medicine difficult and for a time he considered dropping out of Starfleet altogether.

However, Starfleet hates to waste talent (no matter how rarified it is) and an insightful tutor, with prior experience serving with Starfleet Intelligence, saw the potential in this awkward young Vulcan and subsequently Sienak entered the Starfleet Security training faculty and found a path that suited his particular worldview.

Graduating the Academy in 2394 AD, Sienak was initially assigned to duty with Fourth Fleet and posted to serve with Task Force 72 aboard it’s main base of operations, Starbase 72. Intelligence work suited Sienak and he gained acumen in SIGINT and SENSIT operations, parsing the multitude of data returned from fleet assets throughout throughout the TF72 sphere of operations – his logical mind finding correlation and patterns that eluded some of the most gifted of his peers.

But it was in SAPINT operations where Sienak excels. As he himself is the round peg in a universe of square holes – what seems of little interest to most – screams import and meaning to the awkward young Vulcan.

Such a talent was deemed wasted on Starbase duty, hence Lt (Jg) Sienak has been assigned to a shipboard duty aboard a Prometheus – class Heavy Escort – the tip of the spear for intelligence gathering penetration missions and Special Operations that are largely disavowed. Ironically Sienak spends as much time spying on his comrades as he does the activities of targets of interest – ensuring that no lose lips accidentally betray the ship or the classified nature of its missions – when the crew gain rare shore – leave time.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2390 - 2394 Cadet Starfleet Academy - Minos Korva Campus
2394 Midshipman Starfleet Academy - Minos Korva Campus
2394 - 2396 Junior Intelligence Officer Starbase 72
2396 - Present Intelligence Officer USS Athena
Lieutenant Junior Grade