Samantha Hyland is an Imperial Starfleet Officer of the Terran Empire and has risen to a position of command through a combination of ruthlessness, insight and murder.
An avowed Xenophobe, Hyland pretends to fully embrace the aggressive expansionist and genocidal tenets of the regime, but only insofar as it benefits her own ends – which is to amass as much power and influence with which to secure her own position and ensure her longevity & survival.
Narcissistic, borderline sociopathic and thoroughly amoral, Hyland is nevertheless and accomplished liar and dissembler.
She rose to command of the ISS Albion after framing her former CO, Captain Robert Carrington, for treason and executed him herself – but not before torturing him for information she knew he did not possess.
Usurping and supplanting her UFP doppelgänger (who is left stranded in the MU and assimilated by the Hive Collective), Hyland assumes Sam’s identity and command of the USS Valley Forge, having successfully fled the Terran Empire to the Prime Universe.
Samantha Hyland is 5ft 8ins tall and is of a slim and athletic build with Ash-Blond hair and Blue Eyes – testament to her Nordic lineage on her mother’s side.
Sam is fluid and purposeful in her movement and holds herself arrogantly.
Sam Hyland enjoys running – as a way to both exercise and distance herself from her troubles. During her time at the Academy, she excelled in her instruction in Applied – Violence and excelled in Interrogation.
The first and most striking thing that most people note about Samantha Hyland is her lack of empathy.
Given to casual cruelty for its own sake, Hyland is wholly indifferent to the suffering of others – moreover she considers these to be positive traits when applied with considered effect.
Having risen to her current position by merit of being able to read people and anticipate their actions in advance, Sam is adroit with thinking on her feet and responding to a wide range of situations both tactical and political. He father’s murder of her late mother, to better his position within the Terran Empire, has taught Samantha the importance of attending to small details.
Sam seeks to dominate socially and always seeks to isolate opponents to the outside of the circle.
Samantha Hyland graduated Imperial Starfleet Academy in 2396 AD and was assigned as a Political Officer aboard Starbase 72 and was instrumental in Admiral Janeway’s purges to root out and execute those that had led the empire into the dark age of capitulation and weakness that left her people open to subjugation and slavery at the hands of the Klingon – Cardassian Alliance.
Aware that she too, would eventually be caught up in the same purges that she perpetuated, such was the level of paranoia and score settling of the tie, Samantha decided that she would be comparatively safer with an assignment aboard one of the vessels assigned to the Imperial Fleet.
Initially assigned to the California – class Utility Cruiser, USS Sacramento – Lt Hyland took part in the subjugation and eradication of the people of the Primarion System – seizing the opportunity to betray her father and sacrifice him to the mysterious crystal entity. However, her failure to destroy the elder alien saw her cashiered and imprisoned back on Starbase 72.
With the advent of the intercrural galactic event of The Labyrinth, with both Cardassian and Klingon rebels seizing on the resultant confusion to strike back at the Terran Empire, Sam was surprised to be given brevet command of the venerable New Orleans – class frigate, USS Savannah. She seized the opportunity to nearly destroy the remnants of the Cardassian High Command, but her old enemy – Gul Yomat Ghallir managed to elude her once more – disappearing back into the former demilitarized zone with his True Way terrorists.
For her tenacity and zealousness, Hyland was promoted to the rank of Commander – posted aboard the ISS Albion, a powerful Inquiry – class Interdictor – Cruiser under the veteran Captain Robert Carrington. Biding her time and learning all she could from Carrington, Samantha fabricated a trail of damning evidence that was sufficient to unseat Carrington, and she had the satisfaction of breaking the arrogant old man in the Agonizer, extending his suffering for weeks until his proud mind broke and she took his skull as a trophy.
Service Record
Date | Position | Posting | Rank |
2392 - 2396 | Black Watch Cadet | Imperial Starfleet Academy |
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2396 - 2397 | Political Officer | Starbase 72 |
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2397 - 2398 | Political Officer | Starbase 72 |
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2398 - 2299 | Interrogator | ISS Sacramento |
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2399 - 2400 | Commanding Officer | ISS Savannah |
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2400 - 2401 | Executive Officer | ISS Abion |
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2401 | Commanding Officer | ISS Albion |
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2402 - Present | Commanding Officer | USS Valley Forge |
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