The Chief Tactical Officer of the USS Wells, Beyr is a survivor who has lived through some of the worst disasters of recent Federation history. This has intilled in her a deep-seated need to protect those around her and serve as a bulwark against the enemies of the Federation.
A constant sense of wonder at the miracles of the universe hides behind Beyr’s serious, often brusque exterior. She’s lived through too many tragedies to take anything for granted and is a compulsive protector, seeking to keep others safe from the loss and pain she has suffered through her life.
In 2380, Beyr and her adoptive parents relocate from Bajor
Born on New Bajor in 2370 among the first colonists there, Beyr’s life began in tragedy with tis destruction at the hands of the Dominion only a few months later. One of only a handful of survivors, she grew up on the run, constantly moving to avoid the attention of the Dominion. Following the end of the Dominion War, there were only three who remained of the original survivors, and they returned to Bajor.
In 2380, Beyr and her adoptive parents elocated to Dreon VII. En route they were attacked by Pakled raiders who left the ship adrift after stealing several critical systems. Rescued by a passing Starfleet ship, they were successfully transported the rest of the way. Due to this, Beyr developed an interest in Starfleet, which led to a family trip to Mars in 2385 when she expressed interest in joining Starfleet. The family was touring the shipyards when the synth attack took place.
This did not deter her from joining Starfleet, however, and in 2387, she enters the Academy and focused on tactical training. Upon graduation, Beyr is assigned to the Starbase 86, where she serves as a tactical officer aboard a rotation of starships serving in the area, and in 2398 is assigned to an Intelligence team at Starfleet Headquarters to aid in tactical analysis and planning.
Integrating well with the team, she is reassigned in 2401 along with them to the USS Wells.