
Profile Overview

Hrelle 'Runt' M'Hark

Caitian Male


Character Information

Rank & Address

Ensign Runt


USS Morro Bay




Hrelle Y'vone M'Hark

September 8th, 2377

Outskirts of a small village in Cait





Wide eye’d and constantly craving new knowledge, Hrelle (AKA: Runt, being the runt of his litter), is someone you can trust with two things. Random, almost unneeded knowledge, and a shoulder to cry on. Despite this, he’s still a bit socially anxious, having a hard time fully communicating what’s best for him in a group. This has resulted in others dumping their work onto him to do it–and thus resulting in a very overworked cat–but even then, he’s happy to do it for his friends. What’s the worse that could happen?


Dawning a bullhorn septum in his snout (that often is not in), Runt stands at a staggering…5’9. He has little hair on his head or around his body, seemingly looking less cat like and more..sable like, in a sense.

His claws are seemingly almost always out, which the cat themself sometimes forgets. But it’s ffinneeee, it’s totally fine. [ Note – Runt has multiple determents to his record at the academy for his habit of accidentally scratching professors. ]

Runt is ALWAYS seen trying to wear his hand-stitched coat over his uniform; it’s a smooth cotton, with slightly bright red coloring on it. In their words, “”It was made by my mother, it is not coming off.”.”

[ All art of them goes to their respective artist, that being the incredible @OccupationalKlaus! ]


Runtie is…

Well, to put it bluntly, Runt is an overworked and, up until recently, often sleep deprived cat. He has an almost borderline obsessive need to know everything new about a specific subject, and aims to be a jack-of-all-trades type of crew member in the future.

He hasn’t gone by Hrelle in years, so much so that some people think his name is actually Runt.

Past the small bit of craziness, though, lays a sweetie of a cat who is fiercely loyal to his captain, crew, and family. He drops everything at a moments notice to make sure someone is okay, and will very happily take on work from others, to not only people-please, but take burdens off of them. It’s a vise and a virtue, being the way Runt is. A vise and a virtue.

Past ALL of that Runt, when not helping others or obsessing over knowledge, tends to…stare off into space. Sometimes having to even be shaken out of it. Other times jumpy, and cringes heavily at being touched on the back of the neck. Bit of an odd ball, this cat is.


He’s grown up a fairly calm life. It’s simple, and can be seen below;

  • Family worked respectable jobs, had Runt last
  • Was the smallest of the family, hence the nickname
  • As their siblings went out and lived their lives, Runt was in the family library, reading. Constantly. Obsessing, even.
  • Bit of an outcast in school. Got made fun of here and there, y’know how it goes.
  • Something happened when Runt was 13. He refuses to talk about it and it’s never brought up, but he clearly is uncomfy with the subject.
  • Eventually, by the age of 17, Runt had read everything there was too already. But it wasn’t enough. He wanted to see the world, the universe!
  • Enrolled in Starfleet academy to do just that. Great A+ student, but still has a lot to learn about socializing and general academy/starfleet based things.
  • Now here to do just that–learn, grow, and be better!