
Profile Overview

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Erik Solheim

Human Man


Character Information

Rank & Address

Commander Solheim


Executive Officer
USS Scylla


Commander Erik Solheim is the executive officer of the USS Scylla. A seasoned officer with long experience, Solheim nevertheless peaked at the position of first officer over a decade ago, cementing himself as the strong right hand of a more decisive leader. Serving with Captain Borodin on their previous ship before following him to the more modern and advanced Manticore class, on the Scylla, Solheim provides advice and support for his much younger CO. He helps Borodin run a tight ship, enforcing his discipline and the formality which gives the crew their tight esprit de corps, while presenting a more approachable figure for the rest of the crew. Solheim is exceptional at walking the tight-rope between serving as mentor to all, including the captain, without undermining the chain of command, an invaluable quality for the first officer on a ship with missions as tense as the dangerous assignments of the USS Scylla. He has a family of his own, with a husband and adult children, though has lived separately from them on starships for much of his life, and somehow this arrangement seems to have long suited everyone.