
Profile Overview

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Yevgeny Kirov

Human Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Ensign Kirov


Yevgeny Androvich Kirov


Mariupol, Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine, Earth


Yevgeny Kirov is a compact & focused young Ukrainian Starfleet officer with a flair for organization and an eye for detail. It is these qualities that have secured him a position as the Chief Operations Officer aboard the USS Valley Forge.

Serious and sober, Yevgeny nevertheless enjoys socializing with his fellow junior officers when off duty and is a talented soccer – player – a trait which many benefits from his competitive nature.


Yevgeny stands only 5ft 7ins and has a stocky frame. He has fine Slavic features and keeps his hair short in a crew-cut.

Yevgeny is fastidious with his dress, having a keen focus on efficiency and detail.


Yevgeny is serious minded and has great focus, being able to multitask and is a born organizer.

His Ukrainian heritage can make him seem serious, but those that know him also appreciate that Yevgeny has a playful and mischievous side, hidden under that unhurried exterior.

He is competitive by nature, always striving to be the best, although his relative lack of life – experience can sometimes lead him towards rash action.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2398 - 2401 Operations Officer USS Harlan (NCC - 52277)
4201 - Present Chief Operations Officer USS Valley Forge (NCC - 43305)