
Profile Overview

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Tani Isono

Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Isono


Tani Isono

2370 AD

Kōnan, Kagawa Prefecture, Sanuki Province, Shikoku, Japan, Earth


Focused, insightful, ambitious – these are all terms that typify the USS Valley Forge’s Chief Engineering Officer, Lieutenant Tani Isono, and they are certainly apt as she is a woman with an aptitude of all things technical and a mind that is naturally drawn to the problem-solving challenges inherent to the tasks of Engineering.

Whilst true engineering challenges are few and far between aboard a tried and tested class of vessel like the Excelsior II, Tani knows that dedication to her tasks and perseverance are all necessary challenges to overcome if she is to obtain a posting on a more complex vessel such as a Sagan or Vesta – class Starship.

Her previous posting aboard the Obena – class Emissary, USS Ajax, has been sufficient for Tani to step up to assume her first posting as a Chief Engineer aboard the Excelsior II – class Heavy Cruiser, USS Valley Forge.

On duty, all business; off duty, the absolute life of the party and the GOAT at Karaoke….


Tani Isono is an attractive Nipponese woman in her 30th year with blonde hair and warm brown eyes. She is of slim build and keeps herself fit through the practice of the Martial Art, Kendo.


Tani Isono is deadly serious about all things Engineering, with a keen analytical mind and an imaginative approach to problem solving.

Off duty she is warm and gregarious, actively enjoying the company of others and seemingly comfortable socializing with persons of all rank and background.

She has a wry, self – depreciating sense of humor and a ready wit.

She is singularly determined and never concedes defeat, which is both a positive attribute and concurrently her biggest failing.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2990 - 2993 Engineering Officer USS Calistoga (NCC-121110
2993 - 2996 Engineering Officer USS Dyson (NCC-95162)
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2996 - 2400 Assistant Chief Engineer USS Ajax (NCC-83004)
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2400 - Present Chief Engineering Officer USS Valley Forge