
Profile Overview

Kurayami Kioshi

Human Cisgender Male


Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain Kurayami


Chief of Intelligence Services
Archanis Station


Kurayami Kioshi



Captain Kurayami Kioshi is the Chief of Intelligence Services for Archanis Station. A man that believes intelligence is best unseen, he is a cold and calculating operator who prefers to play puppet master with subtlety and silence whenever possible. While he has mixed it up with nearly every party hostile to the Federation from the fifties onward, including the Cardassians, Tzenkethi, Dominion, Maquis, Syndicate, and more, his dossier is, much to his pride, a near-blank surface. He shares little with those around him, stunting his career progression, but for the limited few who he invites into his circle, he is highly respected and a wealth of knowledge.