
Profile Overview


Tellarite Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Commander Vorak


Chief Tactical Officer
USS Fresno




Caldos Colony


Vorak is an individual who takes his roles as Chief of Security and Tactical Officer very seriously.  He is a stickler for details and regulation, and due to his temperament he could care less whether you’re a lowly ensign or the Captain himself!  If you defy the regulations, he is going to let you know in no uncertain terms!


Vorak is a stout but strong Tellarite.  His long, red mane of hear features a bald spot at its center, as though his long flowing locks had abdicated from the center seat of his skull in order to achieve being able to flow down the sides of his face and touch his shoulders.  A distinguished beard that spills down to chest level further compensates for the lack of hair at the top of his head.


Vorak is a Tellarite’s Tellarite.  His personality is everything that you’d expect from a Security Officer of his species.  He is gruff and insensitive, downright insultingly argumentative as his species loves a good debate.  Vorak has grown up and lived among mostly Humans on the colony of Caldos, a colony that was modeled after Scottish heritage.  So he has a well enough grasp of when to curb his Tellarite habits and what could be construed as crossing the line with many other species across the Federation.  But it would also be fair to say that you can take the Tellarite off of Tellar Prime, but you cannot take Tellar Prime from the Tellarite.  Oh, and since Vorak was raised on a planet that emulates and embraces the Scottish heritage of Earth, Vorak’s dialect of speech happens to be heavily laden in Scottish brogue.  So, there’s that.