
Profile Overview

Kiran Nivar

Bajoran Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Commander Kiran


Chief Engineer
USS Fresno




Kiran Nivar




Kiran Nivar is the Chief Engineer aboard the USS Fresno, and he has no aspirations of leaving his Engineering Bay any time soon.  As far as he is concerned, this is the pinnacle of his career.  His protectiveness and sense of ownership of the vessel might put him at odds with any Captain, as his number one duty and concern is the smooth and safe operation of the USS Fresno as it is kept in top order while she performs her tasks.


Kiran Nivar can appear every bit as imposing and militant as his people are known for.  While he wasn’t old enough during the Cardassian occupation to collect up his share of battle scars, his “battle damage” comes in the form of severely calloused hands.  Nicked knuckles.  A few signs that his hands and arms have seen their share of injuries as he’s gotten elbow deep into some dangerous tasks.  A gruff expression under a mane of yellow hair stares as those around him.


Kiran Nivar is a man who takes a very hands-on approach with just jumping right into a task to complete it.  He was not even yet a teenager when the occupation of his homeworld ended, and there was much to rebuild.  Everyone stepped up to the plate and pitched in to do what was necessary.  That sort of environment definitely molded Nivar’s attitude and approach in life.  No one single person is too good to perform even the most menial of tasks.  If something needs to get done, you simply take care of the need.  Like many Bajorans who would have experienced the occupation and its direct aftermath, he is proud and can come off as very brusque and terse.  Having grown up with so little to their name after the Cardassians had come in and taken it all, Kiran Nivar grew up trying to squeeze the life out of every piece of equipment his family had and he derived a sense of accomplishment at being the one to fix it and keep it going for longer than it should have.  He became almost addicted to chasing that feeling, and this is absolutely what drove him to pursue the field of his current career.