
Profile Overview


Vulcan Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Commander T'Lan


Chief Medical Officer
USS Fresno






T’Lan possesses a very capable array of abilities in her chosen medical profession.  In typical Vulcan fashion, the lack of prestige surrounding the assignment of a California-class ship does not concern her.  Her skills to fulfill the role of CMO to the USS Fresno are adequate enough to meet the requirements of the position.  There was a vacancy that required fulfillment.  Therefore, was it not logical to accept the role?


T’Lan is, well… Vulcan as Vulcan gets.  Her hair is dark and conforms to the same short-cropped cut that most Vulcans share.  Her gaze is ever neutral and analytical.  Her expression somehow manages to convey both genuine interest, purely for the sake of review if anything else, as well as conveying a judgmental tone.  Her body somehow retains a lithe, small stature while simultaneously possessing the kind of strength that Vulcans are renowned for.


It takes someone who is familiar with Vulcans to notice it, but T’Lan is actually quite compassionate and sympathetic.  It is a trait that draws most folks to the medical profession, after all.  Fellow Vulcans would call her too emotional and attached to her patients.  Those of most other races would by contrast describe her as too cold and stoic.  Only the very few who spend the time to get to know her would even hope to recognize such a contradiction and how out of place she might feel all around.  She would never openly speak of this.  Such matters are trivial and illogical, after all.