
Profile Overview

Image created by MJ


Andorian Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Rear Admiral Viran


Task Force Commanding Officer
Task Force 21






Image created by MJ


Rear Admiral Viran is a seasoned Starfleet officer and captain. He enrolled into Starfleet Academy in 2355 as a command tract student at Starfleet Academy, before shifting his focus and specializing in law. After the Academy, he went to Dickinson School of Law on Earth where he obtained his juris doctorate, specializing in intergalactic and integral Federation law and politics. He joined the Starfleet Judge Advocate General Corps and by 2363 he was posted back home to Andoria as a legal officer.

When the Romulans re-emerged to the galactic scene a year later, Viran expressed interest in becoming a bridge officer his career quickly grew from there. Soon after he became a senior officer aboard a starship — command division — and eventually obtained his own command. After years in command of the USS Zhukov, with the reassignment of much of his senior staff as well as the ship’s patrol area, Viran decided to take a familiar direction with his career applying for a position as a prosecutor for Starfleet JAG, returning to his roots. This, perhaps one of his most noted duties of his career, earned him top honors and notification at Starfleet Command.

When the Dominion War erupted onto the Alpha Quadrant he was put back in command of a starship. He served in that position commanding task forces of ships until the war ended earning several battle decorations. After the conclusion of the war, he drifted around in several admiralty positions until returning to the JAG department for years as a judge.

Eventually, the proposal of Deep Space 13 came to life, where he was stationed as base commander. After serving as base commander for many years, he was reassigned in 2401 to take command of Task Force 21.