
Profile Overview

Helen Delaney

Human Cisgender Female


Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain Delaney




Helen Carole Delaney-Smith


Proxima Centauri


Being recruited out of retirement to oversee this mission, she was promised exploration with greater need. She was directly asked for by the DEI. Her experience with the JAG office as well as with the Klingons will immensely come into play.


Hazel Eyes, Brown hair with blonde highlights, very light makeup. She is 5 foot 7 and a standard weight.


Adventurous, brash and impulsive, a lot of skills that seem to go into her decision making, but they are good choices.


2330-2347 Early Life

She was born on Proxima Centauri to two starfleet officers. Quickly realizing her potential, they wanted to get her off the planet and closer to their Home of Earth, to be with family. While travelling to Earth on a Colony transport, they were attacked. Her parents were killed as were the majority of the colonists on the ship.

Upon the arrival on Earth, she was quickly declared a ward of the state as, she was unknown to the family and her information was lost. Growing up in the System she became quiet and lonely, she kept to herself, knowing her fate of being rotated out every 5 to 6 months. She than decided to join Starfleet to reclaim herself, and gain freedom.

2348 – Starfleet Academy

At the age of 18 she Enrolled into Starfleet, providing the information that she could, she had a natural aptitude for being a grunt, and leading them, she was selected for the Advanced Tactics and Spatial Warfare program. To her it was much like playing a video game.

Hearing of the Evacuation of Setlik III it made her angry for some reason, she was way too young to remember the attack on the Colony Ship, but she wanted to do something, she was sped through the academy and graduated in 2351, foregoing 4th year placement, and was placed on the Okinawa with the rank of Lt. (jg).

2351-2358 – USS Okinawa

Stationed at the Helm, she saw a lot of action, working the helm and making sure to keep the Excelsior Class from Imploding from the Cardassians was one thing, but piloting was quite invigorating for her.

In 2353 there was an opening in Tactical and Security as the Chief, it came with the rank of Lt (SG), she was quickly slotted in given her training. She worked the console magically some would watch her hands as she targeted the phaser beams and quite literally they shot like an extension of her hands.

On the Okinawa she met Frederic Smith, her soon to be husband. He was the new helmsman, and was having trouble, Helen took him under her wing and taught him on off time in a shuttle, pleasing the Command Staff.

Given the rank of Lieutenant Commander for this in 2357 and the title of Second Officer, she quickly filed into her role. At times there were instincts took over.

2358-2360 – USS Okinawa XO

In 2358 not even a year later, she was appointment First Officer by the Commanding Officer. The war was taking its toll on the Taskforce, the Cardassians kept pushing and pushing finally, Starfleet in 2360 conceited and let the planets fall. As she was learning the finer points of command, she ignored her then husband, her career came first.

In 2360 he filed for Separation, and she just let him go. She kept his last name officially until there was a need for her to change it and he filed for Divorce.

2360-2373 Cardassian War, Office of the Judge Advocate General and the Dominion War.

With the retirement of the current CO she had not realized it, but he had recommended her for the USS Okinawa Command Seat. With Honour she took it over to keep it in the family if you would. In 2363 the Cardassians attempted to take Outpost 211 (Later known as Starbase 211) the Okinawa was fighting hard, but her ship wasn’t doing enough damage. Frustrated, she ordered the ship to fall back and under go a weapons refit.

Arguing with the Corps. of Engineers they finally yielded, realizing that she was a front line ship, and she needed State of the Art weapons, they refitted the ship. The ship was in Spacedock for 6 months. Fortunately the war front was quiet during that time.

While there, she was asked to step into a role very few get asked too, that of a JAG officer. Honoured with the request she did. There were no trials during those six months, but by the end of it, she was ready to get on her ship.

The year was slow, and finally she got word, that there was an Armistice signed with Cardassia. Not sure where she was going, she was ordered to remain on the Neutral Border between both the UFP and the Cardassian People. Than her ship started being attacked by the Maquis.

Her newly minted Okinawa was redeployed to the Klingon Front, where she was needed. Standard patrols, nothing out of the ordinary. In 2373 she watched as Gul Dukat addressed everyone, declaring war on the Federation, her orders was to join the 10th fleet and defend what was ordered. That’s when Frederic Smith came back into her life, this time as her Strat Ops officer…

2373-2374 Dominion War

As the battles racked up she noted the morale of her crew and the faces… they were getting younger and younger. Her own fatality came to mind and she attempted to mend things with Freddie, which went over well. During the first battle of Chin’toka she lost 75% of her crew, and sustained severe injuries. She had fractured 4 ribs, and bruised her 4th & 10th vertebrae as well as nearly detached her brain stem from taking a direct hit from a Dominion Battleship. The Okinawa was lost.

She was given the Command of the USS Healdsburg, which remained in the interior of the Fleet. News of the Fall of Betazed urged the Federation to put as many ships at the forefront, to end the battle once and for all. The H was apart of the battle.

2375-2396 Post Dominion War & Exploration

She wanted to be vested in exploration of the furthest reaches of the Federation. With the return of Voyager, she listened to Admiral Janeway’s tactics and information like she was a first year cadet. When the chance opened up to be on DEI she jumped on it. But decided with the H completing their mission she returned to Earth, to explore her relationship deeper with her husband and enjoy her retirement.

2396-2401 Recalled into Service

Her Freddie passed away quietly at home in 2400 thus leaving her restless, so when the call came from the DEI to reassume a command position she thought yes of course she would take it.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2351 - 2353 Helm Officer USS Okinawa
2353 - 2357 Chief Tactical / Security Officer USS Okinawa
2357 - 2358 Chief Tactical/Security Officer Second Officer USS Okinawa
Lieutenant Commander
2358 - 2360 Executive Officer USS Okinawa
2360 - 2363 Commanding Officer USS Okinawa
2363 JAG - Consular General Earth
2363 - 2373 Commanding Officer USS Okinawa
2373 - 2395 Commanding Officer USS Healdsburg
2395 - 2400 Retirement Earth
2401 Commanding Officer USS Ceres