
Profile Overview

Owen Morgan

Human Man


Character Information

Rank & Address

Vice Admiral Morgan


Commander, Midgard Sector
Gateway Station


Vice Admiral Morgan is the officer in command of all Starfleet operations in the Midgard Sector, far on the Federation’s border with the former territories of the Romulan Star Empire. Although an experienced officer and seasoned administrator, he has spent most of his career overseeing regions deeper into Federation territory, supporting member worlds, regional economies, and local trade routes. This is Admiral Morgan’s first assignment with command responsibilities over border worlds and operations – likely an outcome of the devastating impact of Frontier Day on the upper echelons of Starfleet Command. More cynical observers have suggested Morgan has been sent to Midgard to better represent the interests of Federation citizens in Federation territory, than the more desperate conditions in the former Romulan Star Empire.

Regardless of the truth, Morgan is an affable man, cultured and with a knack for putting others at ease. It has made him a successful diplomat, excellent at managing the competing needs of regional powers. There are, however, rumbling criticisms of him for being weak when his back is against the wall, too much of a people-pleaser to make hard decisions if compromise is impossible.