
Profile Overview

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Park Soo Jin

Human Female


Character Information

Rank & Address

Crewman Park


Hazard Team Science Specialist / Theoretical Sciences Specialist
USS Albion


Park Soo Jin


Wŏnsan, Kangwon Province, Korea, Earth


Crewman Park Soo Jin serves with the USS Albion’s Hazardous Situation Response Team as the team’s Science Specialist.

A protege of Chief Science Officer Tobias Esman, Crewman Park is a brilliant young Korean woman with a promising grasp of theoretical sciences and has a keenly enquiring mind, ever wondering about the what, why and wherefore – that enables the Hazard Team to assess & evaluate the various new alien technologies and phenomena that the Team might encounter on their Away Missions.


Soo Jin is a slim, petite young Korean woman, in her early 20’s, with stylish pixie – cut blonde hair and intelligent deep – brown eyes and delicate features.


Park Soo Jin is personable and polite and burns with an incandescent curiosity. With a demonstrably high IQ and a gift for lateral thinking, she holds a fascination for scientific phenomena and artifacts – able to reason and deduce the purpose and function of a myriad of alien technologies and to posit their genesis and progeny.

Off duty she is fun – loving and gregarious, mixing with other younger ratings, NCO’s and junior officers on the USS Albion’s promenade and shared social spaces. She is possessed of a beautiful singing voice and can often be found enthusiastically belting out Karaoke songs at social gatherings.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2398 - 2400 Theoretical Sciences Specialist USS Cheiron - NCC-92045
2400 - Present Hazard Team Science Specialist / Theoretical Sciences Specialist USS Albion