
Profile Overview

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Syal Rissikan

Human/Bajoran Man

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Syal


Pilot - Icarus
USS Daedalus




Syal’s parents never expected him to take to the stars, in fact, they expected him to stay firmly on the ground, most likely chasing his brother through the fields. The son of moderately successful farming merchants who settled on Bajor following the Dominion War, Syal was excited to step up and take over the family business, even if that meant leaving his brother to play alone. When his younger brother tragically died following an accident on the farmstead, Syal found it too difficult to remain amongst the waving fields of corn without his shadow. He joined Starfleet to escape a planet tinged with sorrow and hasn’t returned to Bajor since, instead he finds himself running through the fields of stars, carrying memories with him.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2401 - Present Pilot USS Daedalus