
Profile Overview

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Tobias Esmann

Human Male


Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Dr Esmann


Lieutenant Tobias Esmann serves as the Chief Science Officer aboard the USS Albion and is a gifted Generalist, with a minor in Theoretical Sciences.

Avuncular, easy – going and jovial, Dr Esmann is a hard person to dislike and his inquisitive passion for science and exploration is near – infectious.

Tobias welcomes the opportunity to serve aboard an Inquiry – Class Cruiser as it affords the opportunity to sometimes go where less – capable vessels cannot and be at the forefront of scientific discovery – as such he is happy to pass such finds on to more specialist teams and move on to the next object of fascination.


Tobias Esmann is quite short at only 5ft 7ins and has a compact frame. Mousey – brown hair matches his warm brown eyes and his manner is open and engaging. He seems comfortable in his uniform; indeed it would be hard indeed to imagine anywhere where Dr Esmann would not seem comfortable.


Tobias Esmann is warm and engaging and particularly passionate about science and discovery – subject that he has been known to hold court upon at the drop of a hat. People seem to warm to him and Tobias is ever optimistic in his outlook and demeanor – putting people at ease.

Hailing from a large Austrian Family with a strong tradition of hospitality, Dr Tobias Esmann is an excellent cook, raconteur and loves to entertain his friends and fellow officers with dinner – parties where he cooks.

Universally liked aboard the USS Albion.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2387 - 2389 Science Officer USS Cheiron - NCC-92045
2389 - 2393 Assistant Chief Science Officer USS Surveyor - (NCC 74659)
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2393 - 2399 Chief Science Officer USS Surveyor - (NCC 74659)
2399 - Present Chief Science Officer USS Albion - (NCC 89881)