
Profile Overview


Human Male


Character Information

Rank & Address

Ensign Santos


Operations Ensign
USS Columbia (Archive)




Cristian Ronald Coimbra Santos




Cristian is a hard working Ensign that recently graduated as a Security officer. Coming from a huge family he was used to help out since his young age, and learned resposibility very soon.

He lost himself a bit when he joined the Academy, partying and cutting class, since it was the first tiome he was whitout any gudance and away from his family.

But in the end he managed to graduate middle of his class.


Cristian is in the top of shape. He spends most of his free time working out and playing a wide assortment of sports, from martial arts to team sports like soccer and basketball, to climbing, he is happy just working out.


Cristian is a friendly, ready to smile and have fun kind of guy. Being the youngest of eight siblings he was both pampered and bullied by his brothers and sisters. He always hated farm life, and his only fun was when working on the machines, both in repairing and maintaining them.

His initial thought when joining the academy was taking engineering , but he was to lazy to study hard for it so he swapped to security were he thought he could get more fun.


Cristian was the last of eight children born of Candida and Walter. Traders and farmer from the southern west of Europe, they had a large farm in Alentejo and two freighters that suported their family.

Since youn Cristian learned to work the land and the machines that helped with the crops

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
Security/Tactical USS Columbia