
Profile Overview

Made by MJ.

Sienae t'Relek-Langston

Romulan Cisgender Female


Character Information

Rank & Address

Civilian Langston


USS Fearless


Sienae works tirelessly to advocate for Romulan refugees, addressing the discrimination they face and promoting their integration into new worlds and cultures.  Born with recessed cranial ridges, a rare trait among Romulans, she was made the target of subtle discrimination throughout her life. This experience instilled in her a deep empathy for those who face prejudice as well as a determination to fight against the culture’s xenophobic beliefs and visions of superiority which only serve as barriers in assimilating to new cultures and settlements. Her work with refugees and connections with Starfleet and the Federation has allowed her to develop both the communication skills and leadership abilities to question her role as a future diplomat or envoy for her people.

“Misdirection is the key to survival.  If knowledge is power, then to be unknown is to be unconquerable.”  ~ The Romulan Way


Cranial ridges readily and naturally demarcated Romulans from those of Vulcan Ancestry.  Unfortunately, the ridges in Sienae’s family lineage were subtle, soft, and subdued.  Both she and the many women of her family line were accustomed to looks of shame and suspicious rumors of impure bloodlines and Vulcan sympathy.

Aside from the rather smooth forehead, there was little else to tell her apart from average Romulan physique.  Almond-shaped, chartreuse green eyes, shine against porcelain skin which is accentuated by soft green flushing common to those with copper based blood.  Her slender frame and dainty structure is veiled by dark, lustrous, waist-length hair often pulled back and styled in a practical manner.

Although time in Federation space has softened the Romulan social norms, her demeanor and non-verbal cues are precise, calculated, and purposeful.  Remnants of a culture steeped in games of intrigue, deception, and concealment.  Fashion, however, was an easier transition calling to Sienae’s artistic sensibilities.  She prefers tends toward attire which blends traditional Romulan design with a diverse and more contemporary style.  Much of her wardrobe consists of custom tailored garments with deep, rich colors, accented by symbols of her heritage.

Sienae’s voice is steady and measured, capable of conveying both the stern resolve and soothing reassurance. She speaks with a clarity and conviction, fearless in her resolve to integrate and assist her people in adapting, integrating, and assimilating to shared cultural existence.


Raised in a culture of secrecy, Sienae was indoctrinated with the maxim, “Two Romulans, Three Conspiracies.” In the family home, however, Sienae received a secondary set of principles centered around trust and truth. Exposed to the writings and philosophy of the Qowat Milat, Sienae fell in love with the idea of radical authenticity and honest expression. The irony was that living out out these principles demanded the use of deception and concealment to avoid imprisonment and death.

The conflict and tension between opposing philosophies provided necessary fertilizer for cultivating resiliency and adaptability.