
Profile Overview

Alison Reynard

Human Female


Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Dr Reynard


Alison Jana Reynard


Starbase 72


Dr Alison Reynard was born and raised on Starbase 72, her parents are both Starfleet Officers, with her mother serving in Operations and her father serving with the Science Department as a Stellar Cartographer.

Alison Majored in Trauma Medicine, with a minor in Developmental Nutrition at the Academy, gaining her Doctorate and graduating in 2393 as a Lt (Jg).

Initially serving aboard Starbase 72, Dr Reynard applied for shipboard duty and was accepted as Assistant Chief Medical Officer aboard the Olympic Class hospital ship USS Pasteur – NCC-58925, developing her skills in Disaster relief and Humanitarian aid.

The chance to serve in the position of Chief Medical Officer was too good to pass up – so Dr Reynard accepted this role aboard the New Orleans class frigate USS Savannah (NCC-57297), as she harbors the career ambition to captain her own Medical Ship one day.

Dr Alison Reynard also serves as the ship’s Second Officer.


Dr Reynard retains a trace of the Swiss French accent of her mother and has an easy bedside manner that belies her efficiency and passion as a clinician.

5ft 8ins in height, with a slim build – Dr Alison Reynard holds herself confidently and is not afraid of asserting her authority in medical matters.

With the fastidious nature that comes with a clinical professional, Dr Reynard insists on cleanliness and efficiency and her appearance mirrors this.


Dr Reynard has a warm bedside manner, but also can be prone to short temperedness with anyone and anything that interferes with the efficient running of her Sickbay.

Alison has a strong constitution and demonstrably can keep her head under pressure – having been exposed to a myriad of calamitous disasters and public health emergencies during a range of disaster – relief and humanitarian missions aboard the USS Pasteur.

A cultured person, Alison has a personal interest in Classical Music of the 19th and 20th Centuries – with a particular passion for the work of Elgar and A System of a Down.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2393 - 2396 Medical Officer Starbase 72
2396 - 2401 Assistant Chief Medical Officer USS Pasteur - NCC-58925
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2401 - Present Chief Medical Officer / Second Officer USS Savannah - (NCC-57297)