Part of USS Constitution: Wherefore Art Thou

Wherefore Art Thou – 3

USS Constitution (NCC-91701), Fabula Stretch, Delta Quadrant
Stardate: 78440.43
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“Are you really sure this is going to be quick? I’m starving,” Thaustin complained slightly as he and Jarata entered the turbolift.

Calling for the lift to take them to holodeck one on deck seven, Jarata gave Thaustin a mixed look of amusement and confusion. “I’m sure the doctor will keep it brief. We only need to show our faces, and then I was thinking we can keep to the back of this crowd she’s pulling together and then slip out when she’s not looking.”

Thaustin was bemused by Jarata’s hopeful plan. “You really don’t know Kamra,” Crossing his arms against his chest, Thaustin explained how much Uknare would regularly do this type of thing in the Triton. “One time, she did a whole one-woman show. It was some monologue about-”

The intercom went off, interrupting the commander’s recount. “Ethav to Commander Thaustin,” spoke the Andorian operations officer. “I’m sorry to call you, but we’ve detected a few random spikes across the power grid. It’s affecting some low-level systems; for example, the humidity in Cargo Bay Two has risen by twenty-six per cent.” 

“Should we be worried?” Thaustin replied.

“Not yet, and most of the affected systems shouldn’t affect ship operations; however, I want permission to deploy repair teams, DOTs and our holographic engineering team to get things under control.”

“A wise precaution, have you not referred this to Lieutenant T’Penni?” Thaustin asked as the turbolift stopped and deposited him and Jarata at their intended destination.

“She’s busy reviewing the logs to what happened to the interplexing beacon, sir,” Ethav mentioned. 

“Very well, go ahead and get things back to how they were, Thaustin out,” He tapped his combadge, rubbing his head. “That’s all we need; secondary systems are breaking down in the middle of nowhere.”

“It’s probably feedback from the pulse not working earlier,” Jarata suggested. “So, we agree that we keep to the back, but not too far that she doesn’t see us there showing our support, but far enough we can make a quiet exit?”

Thaustin shook his head, “There’s no way that’s going to work, Rubon, and I promise you, whatever happens, my stomach will growl loud right as we try to escape.”

Jarata sighed loudly as they approached the holodeck; the doors were already open. “This is not to be comfortable.”

Thaustin couldn’t agree any more, “Yeah, just hold your breath and think for the good of Starfleet!”

 Entering the holodeck, the active program showed what appeared to be a city, but not one that Thaustin recognised. It was warm, and the sun was shining hard. Guessing they were on Earth, Thaustin was sure they were in the past for this performance based on what Uknare had shared on the bridge only an hour or so ago. The narrow streets were bustling with activity, and as he looked around, he could see grand palaces and places of worship along the city skyline.  As the two of them wandered further through the streets, they could hear the sound of performers, musicians, and poets entertaining the crowds. The city was alive with culture, and the theatre community was thriving. Thaustin was starting to wonder if this was indeed the start of this play or if Uknare was trying to set the scene for them. 

“Hey, excuse me, what city is this?” Jarata asked a passing market stall holder.

“Verona!” replied the merchant in a strong Italian accent. 

Jarata turned to Thaustin for more clarity. He had none. As they walked further, they entered what looked like a market square with a fountain in the centre. Sitting and standing by its edge were other members of the crew. Doctor Uknare was in the middle.

“Ah, our next set of performers have arrived!” She declared.

There and then, Thaustin realised that his and Jarata’s plan to escape would not be happening. He gave Jarata a look to show what he was thinking, which prompted a similar shared look of concern from the Risian pilot. As they approached the crowd, Thaustin was impressed to see Counsellor Oron standing close to Uknare while Lieutenant Lonar was on the group’s periphery. There was no sign of the captain or Commander Kazlaf. He wasn’t impressed, but on the other hand, he was. They were smart enough to get out of this. 

“Now, my performers, come closer so I can tell you of the woe that beckons us.  Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life…”

Thaustin looked at Jarata, and both of them caught each other rolling their eyes as Uknare started; it caused them both to giggle and get stern looks from Uknare and others. Controlling themselves, they apologised as the doctor continued with her monologue. 

On the other side of the market square, away from the crowd of Starfleet officers, a set of two bright purple lights appeared hovering above the ground. Then suddenly, a sparkle of a pair of flares floated out of each one. Beings then emerged and adjusted their appearance to blend in with the other holographic characters before looking at one another.

The group leader, who had adjusted to look like a female character from the Shakespearean play, turned to the others. “We have explored this container, and though it does not appear to operate like any of our containers, I do believe we may have found an environment we can survive in.”

Another being, who looked like a teenage boy, agreed with that assessment. “It certainly feels accommodating and worthy of our study.”

“From our brief investigation, I believe this container has ways for us to move around in our natural forms, but we may be limited in our distance,” the leader-being advised. 

“Then until we know more,” The boy-being started, “I suggest we remain in this environment and learn as much as we can.” He pointed towards the Constitution’s group. “Those beings are not like us. From my investigation, those that control this container are bio-chemical. I sense they are bio-chemical.”

“You are right. While we appear more like the other photonic beings in this setting, we should use this time to observe these beings and their social interactions. We may learn about their customs, for example, that one speaking may be their leader-being. The others appear to be engaged in what they are saying.” The leader-being said. She indicated for her companions to walk over with her. 

They kept their distance and listened to what Uknare was saying. The boy-being turned to the leader-being, “The central being appears to be retelling to the others of an event that has taken place in this settlement; it sounds like a great conflict between two groups that they know of.”

“Undoubtedly, this place is unsafe. If such tension exists, we may need to leave.” The leader-being said in a concerned tone. “However, I am intrigued by the two in the back of the group. They appear to be engaged in only what I can assume is low-level interaction. Perhaps a mating ritual?”

“That is a possibility,” The boy-being said. “We do not know enough about these bio-chemicals to understand how they procreate. We know from others that solid social interaction is essential. It is conceivable that they are similar.”

“Leader, I have noticed something interesting,” spoke one of their other companions. That being appeared like a middle-aged man. “These bio-chemical lifeforms are different in appearance. Look at their faces. Some have ridges, indentations and crevices above their vision organs. In contrast, others have different skin complexion and shades of colour in their hair.”

“Maybe those differences indicate a social structure,” The leader-being assumed. She paused as she listened further to Uknare. “I believe the central-being is discussing those two beings in the back. I believe they are retelling how they became mates as they keep focussing on their behaviour while sharing how they became connected.”

“This is a very complex social interaction. However, I am intrigued to know more.” The boy-being said.

 Nodding her head, the leader-being agreed with that assumption. “And I believe the central being just referred to them by their designations.”

“Oh, and they are?” The boy-being asked.

“Romeo and Juliet.”




The beings continued to watch the Starfleet crew from a distance as Uknare began taking them on a tour of Verona.