Part of Avalon Fleet Yards: Inside the Frontier

Paper Work

Avalon Fleet Yards - Brahms Station
June 3rd, 2401
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There were messages for her when she woke up. Pulling on her tank top she stretched and found a pressed pair of pants hanging in her closet. As she pulled them up she activated the screen and checked her messages for the day. Despite having been at Avalon for awhile now she had yet to make any close friends, and so most of her messages were from her family which also served in Starfleet and was scattered around the galaxy. Her mother had visited home, and sent pictures from Vancouver, and her brother was aboard the USS Seattle and seemed to be having troubles but she did not delve too deeply into them.

As she finished putting on her red command uniform, and confirmed that she looked okay in the mirror then headed out to the hallway. As far as Starfleet assignments went this was a fairly comfortable one. She was not in peril like on a starship and most of what she did all day was write briefing reports that may or may not have ever been read by admirals at far flung stations far from where she worked. Ships traveling the cosmos and doing the actual exploring might also see them.

She wondered if she was not starting to feel stuck, and that she would like to be where her brother was a security officer on a ship. Doing something impressive. Seeing something new every day, or almost every day.

Sitting down at her desk she read the report that had been set aside by the officer from the last shift to catch her self up and began to write about the state of the Romulans and how they might tactically pose a threat to the Federation (assuming they wanted to). It was, perhaps, mostly science fiction, but it was her job to game out any threat to Federation security. Positing the questions that no one else wanted to, for fear of looking silly or extremist, was one of the sections roles. As much as it might seem overblown, the Strategic Operations department saw themselves kind of like the security department, but not just for a ship or a starbase but for the entire Federation.

Maybe all departments believed that. Maybe someone in Operations would say that how they moved boxes from one cargo hold to another affected Starfleet security more than any report. Hume sipped a coffee and looked at the latest intelligence reports on the Romulans, trying to game out an attack.

For another report, that hopefully was being read.

  • Victoria Hume

    Staff Officer, Brahms Station Strategic Operations Department